the breakup (revised)

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Pairing- Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings- mentions of anxiety, this one is sad yall!!

Summary- you and Tom breakup🥲
Also lovelies I'm going to slow down on the Tom Holland Imagines and start some other imagines!! I will write requested imagines for this book still and write some here and there just not as frequently and I usually do!
So if you have any requests please send them!!!
You sucked in a deep breath, trying to not cry. You'd act normal. You wouldn't tell Tom, you'd keep this going for as long as possible. Cause you just couldn't imagine your life without him, and it was too painful to think of it ending.

"Darling!! I'm home!!" you hear Tom call from downstairs. You quickly wipe your tears, put away the old pictures, and stuff the box into your closet. You come down the stairs, and put on a fake smile.

"Hey babes," you smile, planting a kiss on his cheek. Tom pulls out a bouquet of flowers from behind his back. You suck in a breath, feeling tears prick your eyes.

"This are for you beautiful," Tom smiles brightly, feeling so happy and proud to make you smile. You give a small smile back, thanking him, and putting the flowers in the vase.

"Something wrong love?' Tom asks. You give a short laugh, as he pulls you into his arms. You wrap your arms around his torso, trying to cover up your quiet sniffles, sucking in deep breaths of his scent.

"No, just tired," you whisper. Tom looks down at you, and you put your chin on his chest to look up at him.

"Want me to run you a bath? And then we can order some food or something?" he offers. You smile at him. How you ended up with someone as incredible as him, you would never know.

"Sure," you whisper. Tom smiles, his arms falling away from you, and a chill spreads over your body. Tom climbs up the stairs, and once you hear the door of your shared bedroom close, you sink into the ground crying.

You were too much. You stressed Tom out. Not only had you noticed-the times he skipped work where you were anxious, the hours he spent laying awake next to you worrying about you,-but also the conversation you overheard three weeks ago.

"I don't know Haz, I just... I'm just so worried about her. Like do I need to quit this movie to take care of her?" Tom asked.

"Tom you can't do that!" Haz replied.

"Well then what am I supposed to do Haz?! I can't just leave her hear all alone, freaking out!!" Tom argues.

"Tom she warned you multiple times about her anxiety," Haz rebukes. Tom heaved a sigh.

"I just... I just love her so much and want to be there for her. I would leave everything, give up everything I have just to make her happy. I just... its taking a toll on me," Tom whispered.

"Well then maybe you guys need to break up," Haz shrugs.

"What no!! Harrison, I could never do that! It's gonna... it's gonna get better."

You took in a shaky breath recalling the conversation.

"Darling the-Y/N!! Are you okay?!" Tom cries, rushing to your side. You bury your face between your knees trying so hard not to cry.

"Do you need water, music? Do we need to go to the hospital?!" Tom cries. This only made you sob harder. What have you done? You practically ruined his life.

"N-no. We... we need to talk," you state firmly, lifting your head, and wiping your tears. Tom furrows his brows, but gives anod. He took your hands, leading you over to the couch, and you both sit down. You can't even form the words.

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