happy birthday! - peter parker (revised)

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Pairing - Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings - fluff

Summary - writing this in honor of Peter Parkers birthday!! 

You're the same person from the last Peter Parker imagine


"Ack!! A little higher Vision... just a little higher... THERE PERFECT!! DON'T MOVE IT!!" you shout, as Vision chuckles, and floats down from the banner.

You take a deep breath and give a slow spin observing everyone's decorating skills.

Today was Peter's birthday, and you were planning a huge surprise party.  Dad got you out of school so you could decorate the living room at the headquarters.

A huge banner hanging that read "Happy Birthday Peter!" in big blue, sparkly letters, hung from way up high, and fit almost the whole length of the wall.  Giant blue balloons floated around the room.  The dance floor would be lit up, and the DJ was setting everything up right now.

"Okay, the caterers will be here at five, so the Distraction Committee is on duty from when Peter gets home until five.  I will be wrapping up the rest of his gifts, while the Decoration Committee puts on the finishing touches!!" you exclaim, checking off the items you finished off on your clipboard.  You were so, so excited, and you really hoped Peter liked this.

"Why am I on the Distraction Committee, and Thor is on Decoration?" Loki asks again.  You turn to face him.

"You can decorate if you want."

"How about... I do nothing?" he asks with a smirk.  You roll your eyes, patting him on the cheek.

"Peter is very fond of you, whatever you say goes.  You say to jump, he'll jump.... wait... don't do that please, I do like having a boyfriend," you reply, and Loki chuckles.

"Yeah, we'll... I don't know... take him to eat?" Nat asks, throwing her hands into the air.  You shrug.

"That is up to you Distraction Committee!" you exclaim with a laugh.  Nat just shakes her head checking her watch.

"Well, Peter's gonna be home soon, we better go distract him," she says with a shake of her head, as Loki, Sam, Bruce, and Bucky follow her out.

"Okay, Wanda and Pepper can you set the table, and Thor and Clint can you blow up balloons and Vision fly up and attach the streamers and balloons!! I'm gonna go wrap his gifts see you guys back here in three hours. Finish all this and go get ready!!! Yay!!" You exclaim before skipping away to your room.

You open your door and heave a sigh.  Presents from everyone are piled neatly in their own little groups.  You offered to wrap gifts for everyone since you were so excited about his birthday.

You plop down on the ground grabbing the first present--Tony got him a 90s movie collection-- and line up the wrapping paper.

~Peter's POV~

I slide my way down the hall, pushing open the door into the living room.

"Oh hey, Miss Black Widow!!" I call, waving to Nat, before going to say hi to Y/n.

"Peter, wait!! Happy Birthday!" Nat smiles brightly. I stop in my tracks and turn back to face her and smile.

"Thanks, Miss Black Widow!" I reply, before going to find Y/n.

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