The Christmas Trick: Part 3

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A few days had passed, and they had been wonderful.  So much laughing, delicious food, games with the boys.  They had a huge game of tag in the backyard, followed by a hide n' seek tournament.

"I still have no idea how you fit in that pipe!" Tom cries in shock as you all come inside from hide n' seek.  You laugh and give a shrug

"I shall never reveal my secret," you say with a wiggle of your eyebrows.  Tom chuckles, as you take some water from the fridge, and pass them to the boys.

"I need a break, I'm exhausted," Harry yawns with a two-fingered wave and heads upstairs.  Sam nods in agreement and follows Harry, and Paddy runs away to go play video games.

Leaving just you and Tom.

Ever since the water fight, something was different.  You didn't feel this urge to make his life miserable anymore.  Every time he smiled, even just the tiniest smirk, your heart fluttered with joy.  The way he talked with his hands was memorizing in a weird, beautiful way.  How his hair was in gorgeous waves, like the ocean was flowing across his head, the way his locks fell into perfect place when his delicate fingers swished through his hair.  How his eyes sparkled when he smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling together.  How his laugh was light, and airy flowing across space between us.

But you didn't like him!! You... you couldn't!!

But why not?

"Y/N?" Tom repeats, and your eyes snap up to see his smirking face.  He chuckles and looks back at the water bottle in his hand.

"Um... yes?" you question.  Tom just shakes his head and looks back at you.

"Don't know," he chuckles.  The laugh flutters to your ears, your heart swelling with something, something new.

But it's not new. It was always there.  The feeling that you have now in your chest, begging to be released was always there.  From the second you looked into those big brown eyes all those years ago, it was there.  You just didn't know it yet.

You loved Tom Holland.

"Ha.  I'm going to go chill out in our room 'kay?" you say, trying to sort out your thoughts.  Tom gives an absent-minded nod.  You go up the steps, and the second the door closes, you let out a long sigh.

You flop on the bed, trying to sort out your thoughts.  This was insane.  You didn't like Tom!! He ruined your life he... he...

But you couldn't' argue with yourself.  Your heart had forgiven him.  Your heart wanted him, you wanted Tom.


You thank Mrs. Holland again for dinner and head up to the room to get ready for bed.  As your brushing your teeth, Tom walks in.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't know you were in here!" Tom exclaims.  You turn and almost choke on your toothpaste cause he's shirtless.  You try to regain yourself, because um... well he's shirtless.

"No! It's okay!" you reply.  Tom just gives a nod, and you both stand there awkwardly.

You noticed that ever since the conversation after hide n' seek, Tom seemed a little distant, quieter.  Something was troubling him.

"What's wrong?" you ask.  Tom raises a brow at you, and you give one back.  He heaves a sigh and leans against the doorframe.  You hop up on the counter.

"Just..." Tom begins but tilts his head back trying to think. 

"Tooom, what's wrong?!" you exclaim.

"I like you!" he blurts out in frustration.  Your jaw drops, and he growls in anger, leaning his head against the door.

This was your chance.  Your opening.  To admit that you too liked him, you have for years.  

But you have no idea how to do that.  You weren't a feelings person.  Your last boyfriend was when you were a freshman in college, but then you got famous, and it ended You didn't really want a boyfriend anyways.  You were happy with life, happy with your friends, focused on your career.

But that was all before this very moment, this trip.

So you did the only thing a rational person would do.

You hop off the counter and spin Tom around.  You look into his eyes for a second and then smash your lips into his.  He hesitates for a second, but all the emotions are too great, and he melts into the kiss, his hand finding the small of your back.  You move your hands around to his neck, and you push harder into the kiss.

Tom pulls away for a breath in total shock.

"Did you... did you just kiss me?" he exclaims.  You're trying to process what's happening yourself.

"Um... maybe?  I think so?" you reply.  Then Tom laughs.

"So what does that mean?" he asks with a raise of his brow.  You scoff, shoving him away, and flopping on the bed.

"Hey! Get back here!" he exclaims and sits next to you.  You have no idea what any of this means.

"I have no idea.  No idea about anything.  I don't like you Tom, or I didn't like you, but now... I think I do.  I-I... I've always liked you, some part of me always has.  Since the day we met, some part of me always had feelings for you. But after you... made that 'joke'... they just disappeared and buried themselves away," you explain.  You hear Tom heave a sigh next to you.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry I ever said that.  I never should've, and I am truly sorry.  And... I do like you, Y/N I have always liked you.  That's why I've never dated anyone else, Y/N.  I've been waiting for you," Tom admits.  You turn your head to look at him.  To look in those beautiful brown eyes.

"So... now what?" you ask.  Tom smiles at you.

"When we go home, how about I take you for dinner, yeah?" Tom asks.  You think about this.

"No."  Tom raises a brow in confusion.  You laugh.

"Let's go out tomorrow. I don't think I can wait till we get home," you smirk.  Tom smiles back at you, his eyes twinkling.

You climb under the covers as Tom makes his way to the floor.

"Hey, Spider-Boy."


"You don't have to sleep on the floor," you inform him.

"What?" he asks.  But you were already rolled over, pretending to sleep.  Tom jumps up and pokes you in the back.

"Y/N.  What?  What did you say?" he asks.  He continues to poke you, and you swat at him.

"Gosh, you're annoying.  You don't need to sleep on the floor!" you tell him.  He smiles at you, and you roll your eyes.  He climbs over you, and you slap him again.

"Ouch!!" you seethe, and he laughs, laying next to you.  You turn to face him and he smile.

"What?" you blush.  He chuckles.

"You're just really pretty."


EEK!! How did you guys like it!!?  Part 4 will come soon!!

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