Lip Sync Battle

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Pairing- Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings- hottness bc its freakin Tom holland
Summary- you find out about toms lip sync battle
Keep in mind this is literally a day after he performs
You mindlessly scrolled through your phone, waiting for Tom to get out of the shower.
"Hey darling.  What do you want for dinner?" he asks, planting a kiss on your forehead.  You smiled under his touch, savoring it.
Tom was gone for the weekend on a small business trip.  He didn't tell you what he was doing, but you trusted him, and he sent you pictures and stuff.
"Can we get y/f food?" you ask.  He smiles down at you and nods.
"I'll go order," he replies, planting another kiss on your head and goes to the kitchen.  As you're scrolling through Instagram, a video catches your eye.
"Lip Sync Battle?  What's this?" you mumble.  You squint your eyes, and notice the guy on the cover looks a lot like Tom.  You look back at Tom who gives you a wave from the kitchen.  You smile, and look back at the video cover.  It was definitely Tom.  What the heck was he wearing?! 
He had on a black wig, and a shiny body suit with white fringe.  You had to admit he looked hot, but didn't he always?  You make sure that he's not watching you, as you hide your phone and click the video.
There's Tom in a nice gray suit, looking freaking adorable.  Your heart melts at the sight as he dances across the stage with his umbrella to Singing in the Rain.  What in the world was this, and why didn't Tom show you?  You checked the date of the post, and it was from this weekend.  Why didn't Tom invite you?  Your heart sunk a little, but you continued watching, as your boyfriend ran behind the umbrellas, and the beat changed.
You furrowed your brows, and then squealed.  Holy frick.
There was your boyfriend strutting across the stage in that body suit, lip syncing to Umbrella.  Your jaw is to the floor as you watch him sway his hips across the stage, dropping it low, and dancing... wow was he dancing.  You can barely breath at the sit, as he puts the umbrella between his legs, and drops down, rolling his body along the way.
Oxygen has totally left you, as you're watching this.  You had no idea what to think.  This was very weird to watch your boyfriend dance like this in front of hundreds of screaming girls and Zendaya... but then again, it was the hottest, funniest, hottest thing you'd ever seen in your life.
He struts his way across the stage, and drops it down dancing by Zendaya.  You snort, trying to not laugh, as he goes and does a backflip.
"Y/N, what are you-Oh frick, Y/N NO!!" Tom yells.  He jumps the couch, ripping the phone out of your hand.  Tom rolls over the couch, and freezes, looking at you with great urgency.
"How much... did you... see?" he asks, with panic in his face.  You can tell he obviously did not want you to see that, so you bite your lip to stop yourself from laughing.
"Until when you did the backflip in the rain," you whisper.  Tom groans in defeat, throwing his hands down to the sides.  He's mumbling under his breath.
"Wow, I did not want you to see that," he mutters.  You laugh.
"Why not?!" you laugh, as he turns to you
"Cause I looked ridiculous!" he complains.  You mutter under your breath and Tom quirks a brow at you.
"What?" he asks.  You suck in your cheeks, not wanting to admit that the video practically left you breathless, and had you squealing on the inside cause he looked... hot.
"I think you looked pretty hot," you mutter.  Tom makes a face.
"Wait, you didn't hate it?" he asks in surprise.  You purse your lips and nod.  He sighs a breath of relief, and smirks at you.
"Pretty sure that's the best video I've watched in my life," you add with a quirk of your brow. Tom snorts, coming to sit by you.  He faces you, and you turn to face him with a mischievous grin.  Tom looks worried.
"Y/N... what are you thinking?" he asks cautiously.  You giggle.
"Mind giving me my own at home performance since I missed it?" you ask with a wiggle of your brows.  Tom groans, falling back into the couch.
"Please!! Please, please, please!!  I'll do anything please!! I'll even recreate the video with you!!" you cry, crawling on top of him.  You rest your head on your elbows, looking at him with your puppy dog eyes.  He glares at you thinking.
"The costume is in my closet, I'll go get it," he sighs, getting up. You squeal with excitement.
This would be good.

Hehe sorry it was short yall
Love you guys!!


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