Paparazzi Protection: Part 2

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Hello lovelies!!! Sorry this is so late, it's been a rough couple weeks!!

Pairing - Tom Holland x Reader

Warnings- TW!!! Sexual assualt, paparazzi, anxiety etc

Summary - someone requested another paparazzi protective Tom story and this one it's a day of shopping and paparazzi and the theater!!

I hope you guys like it!!
"Darling, are you almost ready love!?" a voice calls. You laugh, as you apply a last layer of lip gloss, before coming down the steps.

"Yes, goodness, you're impatient!!" you giggle. Tom smiles at you, scooping you up in his arms, and spinning you around. You laugh, as your feet touch the ground, and he pulls you into a kiss. You chuckle against his lips, before he pulls away, looking you in the eyes.

"You're in a good mood," you laugh, dusting off the collar of his jean jacket. He laughs, planting a soft kiss on your nose.

"Just excited to go out with you. And this time... you'll be okay. You're not nervous are you?" he asks, looking concerned, and tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. You get a little bit of nerves as you have subtle flashbacks of what happened a month ago.

Tom's hands move to rest against your upper arms, as he strokes your shoulders with his thumbs.

"Darling, we don't have to go if you don't want to," he whispers. You shake your head.

"No, love, we haven't been out in a month!! It's okay, I'm good to go," you say with a firm nod. Tom doesn't seem so sure, but you place a hand to his cheek, and look him deep into his brown orbs.

"I'm fine. We gotta go!!" you exclaim, taking his hand and dragging him out to the car. He laughs along the way, and you guys are off.


"Okay what about... this one?!" Tom exclaims, putting a sombrero on his hat. You laugh, as you shake your head, and go back to examining the sweatshirts.

Arms wrapped around your waist, and pulled you closer. You chuckle, as Tom's chin rests on your shoulder.

"Why are you looking at sweatshirts darling?" Tom hums. You snort.

"I need new ones!" you exclaim, examining a y/f color one. Tom huffs.

"Wear mine," he whines, burying his face into your neck. You chuckle again, ruffling his hair.

"Oh my gosh!! Is that him?!" you hear a voice cry. You immediately tense up, and crane your neck to see two girls whispering and pointing at you and Tom. Tom groans, dropping his face into your neck.

"I hate people," he mumbles. You snort.

"Just come on, we'll be fine," you say, taking his hand, and leading him away from the girls.

"Oh my gosh it is!!" the girl screams again. Tom yelps, and pulls you along, breaking into a jog.

"Hurry up!!" Tom seethes, and you laugh. He pulls you out of the store, and you crash into him sideways, and he bursts out laughing as you guys try to look as casual as possible walking through the mall.

"Did we lose them?" Tom asks, looking behind him. His thumb rubs over you knuckles almost like a reflex. You take his hand with your other one, and look up at him.

"I'm good babes," you whisper, and he gives you a small smile. Both your phones buzz, and you furrow your brows. Tom pulls his out, and groans.

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