Imagine: Tom and you in public

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So, I write a lot of these in comments all over Wattpad stories LOL and decided to do one here!!

Summary- a snippet of you and Tom in public


- you guys would always be touching

- hand holding, Tom's hand on your thigh, etc

-He'd always open doors for you whether the car door and door to a store

-try to buy you literally everything you thought 'looked cute' even though you protest

"Tom it's just a necklace, that I thought looked cute I don't need it!"

"Y/n! I am buying it for you so stop complaining!!"

"THOMAS!! You already bought me that t-shirt, the shoes, the fake nails, the ice cream cone, and the cupcake! STOP IT!!"


- he would be super protective of you, looking around to make sure no one was following you too or stalking y'all, etc.

- if he ever saw a guy staring at you in public, he'd make sure that that guy knew that you were his; putting his arm around your waist, and pulling you closer, arm around your shoulder

-definitely shield you from paparazzi; make sure you're 'hidden' when he's taking pictures or signing things.

"Oh frick, the paparazzi!! Y/n HIDE!!"

"Thomas where we're in the middle of a Panera??  I really don't care about the-"

*shoves you into a random booth, and throws sweatshirt at you*

"Put this on and pretend you're invisible!!"

"Wow, thanks, love you too babes."

-would be super silly

"Tom I am not singing in the middle of the street."

"SwEeT cArOliNe! BA BA BUMM!!" *plays imaginary drums*

"Tom seriously sto-"

"BA BA BUMMM!"  *spins you around in a circle till you smile*

"Fine.  Ba ba bum."

-would sneak secret pictures of you to post to his insta or twitter with the cutest captions

- give you his shoes if your feet were hurting.

"Tom it's fine, they're just a little sore."

*starts taking off his shoes*

"Tom seriously it's-"

"Darling, you are my princess-"


"Sorry, my queen.  You will not walk in painful shoes."  *hands you his shoes,and goes to put your heels on*

"Um... these won't fit me... hmmm..."

"Tom don't you dare say it-"

"Time to buy you new shoes yay!"  *kisses you on the forehead till you laugh*

And that is all I got for you guys!! Love you all thank you for the support!!

I'll be calling these little snippets 'Imagine Tom and You..." Please send any requests for one-shots or these lil' snippets!!

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now