Birthday with Tom

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Ahh, I'm so excited for this one, got the idea last night while reading a Loki imagine, cause you know why not??

Pairing- Tom X reader (you're a b-list celebrity.  You do modeling and have had some small acting roles.  Like if someone were to show your picture to another person they'd be like 'oh yeah I've seen her around!' You have a pretty big following, like 19,500,000.    You're also pretty popular for being Tom's girlfriend)

Warnings- fluff, fluff and lots of fluff.  This is like one of those really fluffy rabbits.

Summary- Tom spending your birthday with you

y/f/ = your favorite

y/f/b =  your favorite breakfast

y/f/l =  your favorite lunch spot

y/fc = your favorite color

y/f/f =  your favorite flowers

y/f/d =  your favorite dinner spot


"Y/N," a voice whispers.  You cuddle into your pillows, letting out a little yawn.  You were so, so tired, the warmth of the blankets hugging your skin.

"Y/N," the voice whispers again, interrupting your sleep.  You groan.

"What Thomas?" you ask.  You know that it's your boyfriend.  If it weren't him you'd be very concerned about how a random guy broke into your apartment.

"Guess what?"

"I'm not guessing Tom, what?" you mumble, burying your face into the pillow.  You feel the bed sink next to you, and Tom leans over you, one arm by your head. 

"Happy birthday, love," he whispers in your ear.  Oh yeah.  It was your birthday!!!  This was crazy!! You were turning twenty-four today and were very excited.

"Oh yeah!" you exclaim, your voice still sleepy.  You roll to your back, to look up at your handsome love.  With his curly brown waves atop his head, hanging in front of his big, twinkling brown orbs, with the little smirk that made your heart go crazy.

Tom's smile doubles and he leans down to lay his head in on your chest, his body laying between your legs.  You run your fingers through his silky hair.

"I am so excited for today, I think I'm more excited than you are," he whispers.  You snort.

"I don't think that's how it works babes," you chuckle.  He plants a kiss on your forehead.

"Well.  I have y/f/b (mine would be crepes with a bunch of filling and bacon on the side) ready, whenever you want it if you want to sleep-" he starts.  You quirk a brow at him.

"Tom, you know me, I'm eating that food now.  Just let me get dressed," you say, planting a kiss on his cheek.  Tom gives you a nod and leaves the room.  You yawn and stretch, climbing out of bed, your feet hitting the cold floor.  You throw open your curtains to let the light in, and smile over the beautiful view.  Your window to up one huge wall, letting in the beautiful sun that shone off buildings below.  You could never get tired of the view.

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