Our Little Cupcake: The Announcements

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Hey, lovelies!!
Here is Part 2 of Our Little Cupcake (previously The Little Cupcake)

Pairing- Tom Holland X Reader

Warnings- pregnancy stuff, vomiting, sickness, cravings

Summary- You get your first ultrasound,and announce your surprise!!  You're 13 weeks along yay!


You stand in the mirror, and turn to the side, furrowing your brows.  You were trying to figure out if the little roundness in your stomach was actually your baby bump or not.  You rub your hand over the hump and heave a sigh.

You didn't know what baby bumps looked like.  You pull off your shirt (a/n: you have a bra on don't worry lol) and turn to the other side.

There was no denying it the closer you looked, you had a baby bump.

"TOM!! TOM GET IN HERE!!!" you cry, gaining excitement.  You turn to the left, to the right, and back to the front, keeping your hands on the swell of your stomach.

"Something wrong darling?  We got the ultrasound appointment in like a half-hour we gotta go," he chuckles, leaning in the doorway.

"Tom.  Look.  You can see the baby.  Like, I have a baby bump," you breathe in awe.  Tom furrows his brows and comes to wrap his arms around you, putting his hands on your stomach.

"Oh my gosh, you're right," he says.  Your hands fly up to your mouth, as you look in the mirror at you and your family.

"Tom.  We're a family now," you sob, tears streaming down your face.  Tom rests his chin on your shoulder and smiles.

"Yes, we are darling."


"Ooo, that's cold!" you exclaim, as the doctor squeezes the gel onto your stomach. She chuckles a bit.

"I told you it'd be cold!" she laughs, grabbing the ultrasound thingy (a/n: I'm not a doctor I don't know what the heck it's called). She puts it on your baby bump and begins to move it around watching the monitor.

Tom is bouncing like an excited puppy as he holds your hand, watching the screen. You chuckle a bit.

"And... there!!" your doctor exclaims. Your eyes go wide. You can make out a little head, and tiny fingers and toes on the screen.

"Tom... Tom, that's our baby!" you exclaim, breathless, squeezing his hand tighter.

"That's insane," Tom breathes. Your heart was bursting with joy. That was your baby, your little baby!!!  With his or her little fingers and toes.  By now they had their own little fingerprints, and organs were grown

"Oh look. They're moving just a bit!" your doctor laughs. And sure enough, your little baby was wiggling their toes. Your heart melted at the sight. You felt small tears rolling down your cheeks.

"Darling, don't cry!" Tom exclaims. You swat at him.

"Oh, you're crying too!" you accuse. He chuckles a bit, not believing what he was saying. This was insane, you could see your little baby, squirming around.

"Tom, we're gonna be parents!" you exclaim, your smile huge.


That night you sit in bed as Tom reads next to you.  You're deep in thought, and he must've noticed.

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