Part 4

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Ozpin: you cant just break students limbs y/n

You, ozpin, cardin, and glynda are sitting in ozpin's office. Cardin has a smirk on his face that you would like to melt off.

You: I dont see a problem ozzy, all I did was discipline my student for being a dick.

Glynda: discipline!? You broke 28 of cardins bones!

You: well then he has 178 left! Hes lucky I haven't decapitated him yet! I just dont feel like dealing with the paperwork.

You could hear cardins ass cheeks tighten at the mention of decapitation.

Ozpin sighs.

Ozpin: glynda would you please remove cardin from the room

You stand up

You: allow me

You pick up the wheelchair that cardin is in and yeet it out the window of the tower. Glynda looks shocked while ozpin mutters something about needing a drink.

Ozpin: y/n you will be going on the field trip assigned by professor peach.

You: fine ozzy but you lose all rights to bitch about my teaching methods.

Ozpin sighs,

Ozpin: I feel like this was a mistake...

You walk over to the elevator.

You: so was your marriage.

You press the button and head to the first floor, when the door opens you see students getting on a bullhead. You move cardin out of the way and have a seat next to team (J)NPR, they look at you weirdly when you remember you're not a student.

You: punishment for sending cardin to physical therapy.

(J)npr: oh

Nora: do you like pancakes!?

You look at her.

You: what the fuck are pancakes?

They look at you like you asked an obvious question

Ren: tell me again, how qualified are you to teach a class?

He asks while you are drinking a red liquid that you pulled seemingly out of nowhere. You look to him and smile.

You: I'm not!

Pyrrah: how did you get the job then?

You take a sip and think for a second.

You: I dont fucking know, plot armor?

NPR: what?

You: what?

Time skip brought to you by chibi gwyn and chibi y/n fighting for the crown

The bullhead lands in a place where all the trees are red, you see jaune wheeling cardin around and you decide to fallow them while camouflaged.

Jaune gets 6 jars of sap and falls on the ground

Jaune: I think I'm allergic to this stuff...

After some dialogue between him and cardin they are standing there on a hill... well all are standing except for cardin, hes sitting.

Jaune: what's going on?

Cardin smirks.

Cardin: payback

Jaune: wha-

Cardin hands him a jar of sap.

Cardin: and you're gonna do it

Jaune pauses for a moment and looks at the jar, and back at Pyrrah who is smiling. He gets ready to throw the jar, when you come out of your camouflage and point at him.

You: throw the jar and you're getting an F.

They all turn their heads to you.

Cardin: s-sir he faked his transcripts to get into the school!

Jaune looks pale as quelag is... or rather looked. You take a long sip of the red liquid that no one knows what is.

You:...I drink on the job, you think I give a shit about that? I'm not even qualified to be am elementary school teacher, let alone the professor of an academy.

They all look shocked except for cardin, hes smirking.

Cardin: so here's how this is gonna go, you two are gonna do what I say or I'm gonna have you both on the first bullhead out of beacon.

You start laughing like a certain clown in a certain movie while they look confused.

You: you dont take a breath without ozzy knowing about it, you think he doesn't know about jaunes transcripts? I wouldn't be surprised if oz was the one who gave them to jaune!

Jaune looks pissed at cardin and throws the jar at him

You: A+

Cardin: oh ho ho, you've done it now jauny-boy, get hi-

A grimm dragon lands right behind cardin as he slowly turns his head around to see the huge grimm staring at him...

What will y/n do in this situation? Will he save Cardin? Will he let him die? Will he ever go to AA? Find out on the next episode of dragon ball Z

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