Part 3

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You walk into your dorm and cringe. This was not what you are used to, so with the wave of your hand the room changed into this

 This was not what you are used to, so with the wave of your hand the room changed into this

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No one needs to know how the fuck the fire place works. You sit down on the chair an0d pull out 'scholar of the first sin' and begin to re-read it. You start to feel slightly thirsty so you open a small portal to your left and reach into it, after a little feeling around you smirk and pull out a blood cocktail. You pour it into a wine glass and sip on it

'This taste will never get old, mortals are missing out heh'

You smirk and continue to read. This basically concludes your evening.

Time skip to tomorrow

You look to the grandfather clock and notice it is about time for your class, you let go of the book and wine glass and they turn into ashes. You grab your bag full of shit you need and book it to you class room. You get there before anyone else and snap your fingers everything goes into the place you want it to, you look under your desk and smirk as soon as you see the bottle of 40 year old brandy sitting in a small space. You snap your fingers and you are in the same suit from yesterday, but it seems to be dry-cleaned. You adjust your tie as students start filtering in, you see team rwby and smile at them. Ruby waves and grins, you look around and see everyone in a seat. You turn around and grab a piece of chalk to Wright on the board, you wright your name on the board and say it out loud.

You: alright everybody, listen because I dont like repeating myself. My name is Y/N Rose, I am Ruby and Yang's brother. I know everything about all of you, even your darkest secrets.

You glance at cinder who looks back in surprise.

You: now onto the rules of this class room. Rule one, if you complain I reserve the right to tell you to shut the fuck up. rule two, I do not tolerate racism or discrimination against faunus, they are fucking adorable and you cant change my mind. Rule three, you get as much respect as you deserve. That's about it, play on your scrolls or some shit I dont care.

Velvet raises her hand.

You: yes ms. Scarlatina?

She blushes and speaks.

Velvet: what are you teaching?

You: weapon upgrades and advanced combat.

Ruby gets excited at the word 'upgrades'

Cardin: why the hell should we listen to you, hell, you look younger than me.

You look to him.

You: cardin, come here.

You say in such a calm tone it's scary. He walks down to you and looks at you like you are nothing. You pull out a baton that some cops have.

You: cardin do you know what this is?

Cardick: no

You:this, is a 'Cardin-shut-the-fuck-up' stick.

Cardin looks confused.

Cardin: what does it do?

You blink a couple of times and proceed to beat the shit out of him with the most calm face ever. Most of the students were in shock, some were cheering, and one was screaming 'BREAK HIS LEGS!'. What kind of teacher would he be if he didn't oblige his students request? He proceeds to break his legs with the same calm face, cardin on the other hand was screaming and crying for his mommy. After you gave cardin his beating, you grab him by the hair and toss him into the hallway and shut the door so you dont have to hear his crying.

You: so... any questions?

A random guy raises his hand.

Random guy: will he be okay?

You think for a moment

You: nope.

You have a satisfied smirk on your face as the bell rings. Everyone filters out of the class to go to their next one. You go back to your dorm and continue your book.

______________________________________ sorry for the short chapter guys hope you enjoyed it!

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