Part 14

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You make your way back to the ballroom after telling Blake to stop being a daft cunt.

You get back and see these incompetent fucktards aren't even halfway done.

You: ok if we're gonna do this shit then were gonna do this shit right, so with that being said, ladies please step the fuck back.

Team rwby and neo step behind you, you look around and wave your hand as the ballroom transforms into a sophisticated yet badass one. Tables are set up, tapestries are hung, and four banners are placed above the stage in the order of red, white, black, and yellow. You wave your hand again in the direction of the stage and some high tech DJ equipment appears. Then a dj appears from behind the booth and starts getting shit ready. You wave your hand to the tables as cooks appear with stoves and ovens.

You: how's it look?

Weiss: it's perfect! This is everything I wanted!

You: I call bullshit

Ruby: woah, this is so cool! Wait... what's that smell, its familiar....

You smile

You: mom's cookies, i tried every recipe known to mankind until I found hers.

Ruby gives a small smile

Yang: not bad bro... you know what would be even better?

You: I'm not getting you alcohol yang

Yang: awww

Ruby tries to sneak over to the tables to steal the cookies but you grab her hood

You: you can have one

Ruby: but-

You: one

You set ruby down and she grabs a cookie and runs off. Without another word you walk back to the dorm and sit down on the chair. Cinder looks up from her scroll

Cinder: that was fast

You: yeah, I probably should have let them do it all. Now I have Jack shit to do for the next day and a half.

Cinder just goes back to her scroll

Cinder: you could always go back home and clear things up with your dad and aunt.

You: if I ever see that piece of shit again I'm going to fucking melt him, as for raven... I'm not sure, she never beat me but she also never did anything to help me.

You stare blankly at the wall for a second

You: want to order a pizza?

Cinder: sure what kind?

You: pepperoni with extra cheese, also get some sunny D

Cinder: what the fuck is with you and sunny D, usually whenever I see you you have either sunny D or alcohol.

You: dont question me on my drinking habits!

Cinder: and you said you would teach me shit!

You: you want to learn shit?! Let's go, fuck the pizza I'm teaching you how to throw a fucking fire ball!

Cinder: let's go then!

You both stand up and power walk to the amphitheater, when you both get there you pull out a glove and hand it to cinder

You: put it on or your going to be Vacuo fried chicken before you throw the damn thing

She puts on the glove as a pyromancers flame appears in your hand. You place the flame in her palm. She looks at it for a second and the she looks at you.

Darkest of Souls [RWBY X Badass Male reader]Where stories live. Discover now