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[3rd POV]

You: Hmmm

I wonder what I was like before I was an undead,  Y/N sat on his throne as he wondered about how everything came to be. He wondered this often, he was a lord of cinder, he sighs he looks around the throne room, he feels something, almost a pulling feeling on his soul, beckoning him

You: sigh I should really learn to pick my god damn summoning signs...

As he says this he disappears in a flash of white light

As soon as the light fades from his eyes he sees something hes never seen before

The brother gods...

His eyes go wide as he drops to the ground in a kneeling position, the god of light tilts his head and speaks

Light: Rise young one

Light speaks in a booming voice which was slightly soothing, y/n scrambles to his feet, hes usually not like this, then again hes also not usually in the presence of a higher being. Ya know because hes basically a god, not a god like these two though, these two were on a whole other level, in fact they were the two responsible for creating the first flame, aswell as the earth itself.

Dark: we have noticed  that you have become almost as powerful as us, child...

Light: Yes, aswell as the fact that you are not from earth...

You tilt your head slightly with a face of confusion

You: what do you mean?

Light: You are from our other creation, Remnant...

Dark: As soon as we send you back to Remnant you will regain all of your memories and reappear 3 years after you originally died...

Your eyes go wide in surprise about hearing that you would regain all your memories you smile for the first time in a century, dark and light dawn your smile and glanced at each other with worried looks on their faces, you notice this and you adopt a confused expression.

Light: Before we send you back, you might want to prepare for what you will see... was not pretty

You glance behind light to see dark throwing up into a trash can

Oh fuck.......

You look to light and nod, he gives you a worried look but snaps his fingers. You get covered in a white light as you get transported to "Remnant"

you emerge from the white light and suddenly feel a pain in your head, you fall to your knees holding your head


You scream in pain gripping your head you haven't felt pain in centuries,  you have died too many times to count but you never felt any of it. Then the memories come flooding back.


You are currently getting beaten by a blonde man and a blonde little girl, you seem to be inside of a living room, with a broken vase to the left with a crying girl with black hair and red tips. The two blondes stop their assault and the child spits on your limp body

???: c'mon dad let's leave this loser alone and go get some ice cream!

???: alright, let's go Ruby, and Yang, Y/N clean this shit up before we get back, or your sleeping outside with the grimm

He grinned, you were overwhelmed with rage so you tried to punch him, but your hand went right through him. You look at your hands and then back at your limp body and realize this is a memory.


You watched yourself get beaten countless times for three years worth of memories, the girl named ruby, whom you found out is your sister, was the only one who cared for you at all. After Yang went to her and Ruby's room you hear both of them crying, so you know that she regrets it. You still cant help but feel a little mad at her even though it's not her fault. Taiyang whom is your "father" was the one who force them to do this. But then one day after the beatings your former self took out a rope and tied it into a noose, you realized what he was doing and tried to stop him but you couldn't... he tied the rope around the ceiling fan in the living room. He then got a pen and note pad,

  Dear Ruby,

    Ruby I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to handle the abuse, but I just couldn't take it. It was driving me insane, you were the only one who treated me with even an ounce of respect, I'm sorry I couldn't say any more in this note, but Tai is probably driving here as I write this, ruby you were the best sister I could have ever asked for, yang and tai can go to hell. Good bye, I love you ruby.

                                        Love Y/N

He then puts the noose around his neck and pulls it tight with tears in his eyes

Past you: I'm sorry Ruby...

He kicks the stool out from under his feet as he struggles for a few seconds until his body goes limp, you just sat there sobbing uncontrollably as you stair at your dead body


You: W-what the hell...

You look around the forest and hear a few voices that sound slightly familiar

???: Ozpin said that this was the spot where the energy surge originated

???2: hey there's a crater over there let's go check it out

Ok then, so  for starters you were 14 when you died, three years have passed on Remnant while it was 300  years on earth. Making them think you are 17, anyway i hope you enjoyed.

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