Part 5

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Cardin turns his head slowly to the left to see a big ass grim dragon, he and his team go pale. Jaune didn't notice the 40 foot tall dragon behind him.

Jaune: cardin I'm going to fucking ki-

You: Jaune, either you have balls the size of Anor Londo or you're incredibly stupid.

Jaune looks at his Professor like hes stupid but quickly noticed something is blocking the sun and turns his head.
He sees the dragon and falls backwards onto the ground. You sigh and pull out your talisman, you bring your arm back and charge up a great lightning spear.

You: hey big ni🅱️🅱️a!

The dragon turns its head to you. You bring your arm forward and throw the lightning spear, the spear flys through the air straight through the dragons forehead. It drops to the ground inches away from cardin and jaune, you look to jaune.

You: Jaune I would like you to see me after classes tomorrow.

Jaune looks shocked

Jaune: what!? But-

You give him a look signifying that you dont give a fuck. He just hangs his head down. Cardin has his team roll him back to the bullhead, you walk off to find your sisters team. You find team rwby and walk up.

You: what's up?

Ruby: hey y/n, what are you doing here?

You: punishment because of cardin

Rwby: ohhhh

They get their sap and start walking back to the bullhead, you fallow them and have a seat. It is a pretty long ride so you decide to take a nap, a drunken, awkward, lying down in three seats nap.


Glynda: wake the fuck up y/n, we have classes to teach

She says pulling off a pair of sunglasses, you groan with your eyes still closed.

You: carry me...

Glynda takes a second to process what you just said

Glynda: young man get up and-

You: I'm seven hundred and something, I'm not young, just pick me up

She deadpans and walks out shutting the door behind her, you suddenly feel something coming up so you lean over the seat and vomit into the floor.

Time skip brought to you by chibi Qrow and Y/n drunkenly break dancing in a bar

Students are filtering into your class room when they notice what exactly you are doing they just stair in awe, you are doing lines on your desk.  Team RWBY and team JNPR just as you snort the rest of your coke, you stand up with the white powder still on your nose.

You: welcome back everyone, now, I'm sure you're all wondering what I was just doing... it was exactly what it looks like, any of y'all snitch you're gonna fail this class with a Z-

Some students are confused at this.

Weiss: but... the lowest grade is an F.

You: did I fucking ask?

She sits down with the new knowledge that no one cares about the shit she has to say.

You: So! Today were going to the amphitheater so all of you can fight me!

All of the students look concerned, this does not go unnoticed by you.

You: but I will not be using any of my powers, and I will only use 1% of my power. But that is not to say that you shouldn't take this very seriously.

Velvet raises her hand

Velvet: u-um what exactly is this for?

You contemplate for a second on how much you should tell them, you sigh.

You: this is incase anyone like me shows up...

Everyone looks confused for a second.

You: if anyone even half as powerful as me decides they want to rule Remnant, I am the only one who would be able to stop them... but I wont always be on Remnant. The point is if any other undead show up they might not have the same morals as me. I believe human and Faunus alike should be protected, I will teach all of you how to kill someone like me.

Everyone looks in shock as you tell them that there are undead that could kill them all.

You: now, bear in mind these tactics will not work on me in particular... these are just weaknesses to undead as a whole. This is just a test to see how well you all would do as a group. I would like to see team CMEN in private please, the rest of you get into your gear.

Everyone except team CMEN leave.

You: so hows your day been?

They look confused, you chuckle and turn semi-serious

You: so you all follow a thicc milf named salem, correct? Well I dont give a shit either way, I am only gonna ask why the ever loving fuck would you follow somone like her?

Cinder remains stoic as her followers start to sweat.

Cinder: I only wish to gain power, emerald follows me because she insists she is in debt to me.

You look into cinders eyes for a few short moments, looking into her soul.

You: hmm, I see a large amount of pain in your eyes cinder... will you tell me what that pain is about?

She gets irritated

Cinder: I believe that is none of your business...

You: would it help if I explained why I'm in constant pain, would you tell me then?

Cinder: hmph, what would you know about true pain?

You explain in very graphic detail what you went through as a child and what you did over the past 700+ years. None of them can believe what you are saying. How you became a god, how you were numb to death.

Cinder has tears streaming from her eyes, as do her followers.

You: now... would you care to tell me what happened to you?

Cinder: my... my entire family was murdered when I was 7, the guy... he wore a stone helmet-

You: oh you have got to be fucking kidding me...

She looks at you confused

You pull havel's helmet out of nowhere and her eyes go wide

You: was this the guy? Oh for fucks sake of course it was, the dude was supposed to be a knight before he died... guess that armor is ruined for me...

Cinder: y-you killed him?

You sigh and look at her sympathetically

You: that was no person... it was a hallow, a creature that feasts on souls in hope to regain sanity... he killed me a few times too... stubborn bastard... these are the things that I will teach you how to kill. I will make sure this never happens again cinder

Cinder was in a crying fit, you pull her into a hug trying to calm her down. Her followers watch as their leader has a BREAK DOWN BREAK DOWN!!

Ayy its ya boi, skinny penis
This chapter is foreshadowing the fuck out of some shit, I told a nigga that I was gonna put this shit out today and I came through. Until next time,

                Professional virgin.                 

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