Part 7

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You are walking to team CMENs dorm to talk to cinder. You make it to the dorm and hear arguing

Mercury: I will not betray salem, you of all people should know that!

Cinder: Fine then go back to her, you think you are worth anything to me? I could kill you in an instant...

You knock on the door and emerald opens it, you greet her with a smile and she gives a small one back. You walk in to the room and see mercury and cinder in a screaming match.

You calmly grab mercury by the back of his shirt and throw him out the window. The other two are slightly surprised to see you do this but calm down only a moment later.

You: so... you decided to say "fuck salem this guy is cooler" right?

Cinder smiles and nods.

Cinder: yeah, but mercury-

You: is a lil' bitch, I know, but who cares about him? Hes just a side character.

Cinder: a what?

You: anyway, we need to talk to ozzy about your stolen power.

Cinder: so you want me to give them back-

You thump her on the forehead to shut her up for a second

Cinder: owww

She rubs her head

You: no I'm gonna get ozzy to give you the rest of them.

Cinder looks surprised

Cinder: really? Cool!

You look at cinder wondering why tf shes out of character.

You: aight let's go

You grab her shoulder and a second later you appear infront of ozzy's office door. You walk in just as you hear the pornhub intro, you see ozpin pulling up his pants and fumbling with his belt while moans come out of his monitor. He pauses the video as you look back to see a blushing cinder.

You: cinder, would you wait outside for a second?

She walks out of the office and shuts the door, a few seconds later she hears this.

Ok I cant type this shit without dying  so here's a video

Stop at 3:25, when he says mom just replace it with y/n.

You: ok cinder you can come in now

Cinder comes in and sits down on the chair, glynda comes in after her and stands on the opposite side of ozpin

Cinder: what... happened?

You: ozzy has restricted computer access now

Cinder has a blank expression

You: anyway ozz this is the chick with half of the maidens powers, and I want you to give her the rest of them.

Ozpin and glynda look at cinder, then they look at you, then they look at each other, then back to you, then back to each other, then back to you.

Glynda: y/n you know we trust you and all but... what the fuck is wrong with you? She attacked the fall maiden and stole half of her power, and you just want us to hand over the rest?!

You: glynda, listen to me... it's the fall maiden, correct? Her name is cinder FALL.

Glynda: what does that have to do with anything!?

You:  oz give her the power or you're grounded from the computer for two months.

Oz: I have a scroll though...

You: i will break all your mugs...

Oz: glynda get to the basement now and wake that bitch up!!

Oz hops over his desk and dashes to the elevator, he spams the bottom floor button as fast as he can.

You: I cant believe that actually worked...

You place a hand on glynda and cinder's shoulder, in an instant you appear where amber is. Oz busts through the heavily reinforced metal door holding a chainsaw up in the air.


he runs at amber before you appear behind him and chop him on the neck, knocking him the fuck out. Cinder is standing over the unconscious amber, you put a hand on her shoulder.

You: cinder, you dont have to have this power in particular...

She looks to you questioningly

You: I could show you even greater power than you could hope to achieve with this. I could teach you things from how to throw lightning bolts and fire balls, to absorbing the essence of dark creatures...

She looks at you, her eyes filled with hopefulness

Cinder: could I bring back the dead?

You smile and lightly chuckle

You: of course, now I'm just going to take the maiden power from you and put it back in amber, ok?

She thinks for a second and nods her head, you place your hand over her chest. She blushes as you concentrate. Soon you extract a golden glowing orb as she faints, you catch her with your free arm. You place the orb onto Amber's chest and she absorbs it.

You: glynda, I request that cinder, amber, and emerald stay in my dorm for the restoration of the semester, I wish to observe these two.

Glynda sighs

Glynda: fine I'll fill out the paperwork

You put cinder on your left shoulder and amber on your right. You appear infront of emerald.

You: grab on, you three will be staying with me for a while

She cant find anywhere else to hold onto so she gets on your back and puts her arms around your neck. You appear in your dorm and set the two unconscious teens down on your bed, you hold your arm out and 3 more beds come out of nowhere. You put each of them in their own beds and wait for classes to end so you can talk to jaune.


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