Part 15

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You: get the fuck out of my class, we're done today. Imma go get my bros and some mcnuggets with szechuan sauce.

Everyone except team rwby leave.

You: what do you fuckers want?

Yang: we're staying here to meet these "friends" of yours

You: fuck you, I'll be gone for like ten minutes, draw dicks on solaire's helmet or some shit.

You snap your fingers and portal opens behind you, you put up both of your middle fingers and fall backwards into the portal.

After doing a super hero landing you look around for a second and see somone in a hunters uniform looking at a map, you walk over to him and he hears you, he gets startled and pulls out a saw cleaver.

He sees that you are "human" and lowers his weapon

You: what's good bro, what's your name?

???: ...its y/n... and you?

You: well isn't that just creative of the author to think of... my name is y/n too, anyway I'm looking to find the great ones so we can get fucked up and chill.

Other y/n: oh, are you part of the choir?

You: nah, I'm a god from like ehhhh let's say medieval times. And I have to be at a shitty party and I want at least a few bros to be there.

The hunter is clearly taken aback by this, but then looks back to his map

Other y/n: do I get to beacon academy from here?

You look at his map

You: you have the wrong map bro...

The map designates in your hand and you create another one and hand it to him

You: you are about thirty miles out, so just head north and you should be there

He nods and puts the map away

Other y/n: Yharnam is that way go to the cathedral, watch out for-

You: yeah yeah, watch out for the beasts, the fire, and keep a six foot distance between the priests and my ass at all times. Thanks bro

You walk off in the direction that he pointed, soon you reach a gate with a guard in front of it. You can only assume he's a hunter

Hunter: oi lad, you dont want to be out in yharnam on the night of a hunt... I'd advise ya to run along and come back In the mornin'

You make eye contact with the hunter

You: dude listen, I have fucked a literal dragon- I was high and a little drunk, but I'd think that dragons are a little bit more intimidating than whatever twilight vampire diaries bullshit you have going on in yharnam.

You turn into ash and appear on the other side of the gate

Hunter:.... ya know what, I think he can handle himself...

He turns around and takes a big sip from his flask

Timeskip brought to you by you teaching a werewolf how to roll over

You open the door to the cathedral

You: yo Maria! Where the fuck you at hoe?!

Maria: Y/N?!

She pulls out her rakuyo and charges at you, she swings it but you block with your wrist.

You: you're still pissed?

Maria: you fucked my little sister! And didnt even use a condom!

You: the fuck else was I supposed to give her for her eighteenth birthday?! Socks?! Eyeliner so she can look like Billie eyelash?!

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