Part 2

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You are walking to your dorm, you are getting odd stares from everyone most likely due to you looking like you are ready to beat the shit out of someone. You duck into an empty classroom and walk out right after you walk in. You are now dressed in a f/c suit with the helmet of Solaire

You continue walking down the hall examining your scroll until a flash of red comes speeding at you. You know that its ruby, as soon as she makes contact you turn into ash. ruby is shocked and has tears in her eyes until you appear behind her and put your hand on her shoulder. She jumps up and hugs you tightly.

Ruby: Y/N!

You chuckle and pat her head, she releases you from the hug.

Ruby: so is ozpin putting you on a team?

You: nope, I'm your newest teacher.

Ruby gets excited and starts bombarding you with questions.

Ruby: What are you gonna teach? What class? Will it be boring? Can you give me an A?

She continues this until you put your hand over her mouth.

You: Just because I'm your brother dosen't mean you get to slack off in my class-

You pause for a second when you feel something wet on your hand.

You: Did you just lick my hand?

You remove your hand and wipe it on a handkerchief that you pull out of thin air.

Ruby: hehehe no.

You just shake your head in disappointment.

Ruby: Soooooooo... ya wanna meet my team?

You think for a moment.

You: well I do need to go check out my dorm, but sure.

Ruby grabs your hand and drags you to her dorm. Shes about to open the door, but finds out that her scroll is dead.

Ruby: oh come on!

You: step aside...

She backs away from the door, you walk up to the door and with seemingly no effort at all you pull the door out of its frame breaking the hinges and door knob. You toss the door aside and look into the room to be greeted by wiess looking angry.

Wiess: you idiot why would you do that?! Do you know how much it will cost to repair tha-

She gets cut off by you waving your hand and the door fixes itself.

Blake: is that your semblance?

You look at her

You: only mortals have semblances, I am not a mortal because I posses the dark soul, I'm basically a god.

Blake puts on a blank expression.

Yang: anyway y/n is ozpin letting you stay or what?

You take off your helmet and it turns into ash.

You: I'm going to be your newest teacher.

Yang: but... your 17

You look to yang.

You: I stopped aging at 17, I'm actually 713 years old.

Everyone but weiss looked surprised.

Weiss: hmph yeah righ-

She gets cut off by you summoning a glock and shooting yourself in the head, you fall over "dead" as weiss screems. you get up and wipe some dust off of your suit, you just look at wiess who looks like her dad just cut off her credit card.

You: now does that clear up any doubts about me?

Weiss nods.

You: good, now if you would excuse me, I need to get materials for class next week.

Ruby: ooh, can we help?

You look to her and chuckle.

You: ruby I'm just going to go grab some embers and other magic stuff, ooh I need to go get some of the abyss.

Ruby and her team look confused at you saying something about magic but before they could say anything you pulled out your black banishment stone and activate it. You are covered in a black smoke and you dissapear from the room. You reappear holding a big ass sack slung over your shoulder Santa claus style.

You: I also have gifts.

Ruby gets excited and runs up to you while the others just calmly walk forward. You pull out some charcoal pine resin and hand it to ruby, She looks confused.

You: be very careful to keep all of it inside the paper, it will put a temporary fire effect on anything, even the floor so dont drop it.

She has stars in her eyes just thinking of the things she could do with crescent rose. You look to yang, you smile and pull out an elegant bottle with all sorts of decorations on it. You hand it to yang, she looks confused.

Yang: so is it like shampoo or something?

You: that shampoo is the same kind princess Gwynevere uses, and her hair is fucking great.

Yang just smiles as you turn to blake you smile as you pull out a book labeled "scholar of the first sin"
You hand her the book.

You: that's an amazing book, I know you'll like it sense you have "a man with two souls".

She gets confused about how you knew that she liked that book, you point behind her to the book shelf.

You: hey you dont live for hundreds of years without being a little perceptive.

She smiles as you look to weiss and pull out a titanite chunk.

You: weiss hand me your rapier.

She is hesitant but she hands it to you. You put the titanite chunk onto the rapier and your hand glows red as you slowly run the titanite chunk across the length of the blade. When you reach the end, the blade is fully infused with it. You turn it on the fire setting and activate it, the blade begins to set fire. You swing it through the air like a pro a few times and then deactivate it. Weiss is starring in awe at what her rapier had just done.

Weiss: wha- what did you do?

You: I made it better.

You smile and pick up your bag full of embers and an assortment of resin.

You: welp imma go check out my dorm, good night girls.

You walk down the hall away from their dorm and smile.

You: this will be fun...

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