Part 11

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Yang is interrogating junior as you are slowly taking after uncle Qrow.

Yang: where is he!?

Junior: who!?

Yang: roman torchwick!

Junior: hes doing something with a warehouse, now can you stop yelling, this is a family establishment

You drunkenly look over

You: bullshit!

Yang: ok I've done my job, get me a strawberry sunrise!

You: pussy

Yang: hey, it tastes good

She takes a big sip from her drink and you yeet your empty bottle at Neptune

Yang: you really dont like him do you?

You: nope, hey by the way I never asked this when I got back, hows mom?

Yang just looks down to her drink

Yang: she dissapeared right after you died, dad just completely shut down.

You look down at the counter and then back up to junior

You: give me another...

Junior: I think I have to cut you off y/n

You: oh I'm sorry, I must not have made myself clear, I said give me another.

He hands you another bottle of the whipped cream vodka. You take off the top and get a big drink

You: where did she go?

Yang: I dont know, but it was after a big argument with dad-

She gets cut off by her scroll ringing, she answers it and its sun

Sun: Roman has a big robot and he inside of it, but it didnt like eat him or anything, hes controlling it or something!

You chug the bottle and throw it on the ground before drunkenly stumbling out of your chair and running out of the bar and up the road.

Yang: y/n that's the wrong way!

You step in front of somone in a convertible.

You: scoot over dumbass I'm taking this

Guy: wtf why?

You pull out a badge that says god on it.

You: official god business.

You push the gas pedal to the floor and take off in the opposite direction.

Guy: so where are we going

You: to Joe's house

Guy: who's joe?

You: joe mama dipshit, now shut the fuck up so I can listen to tailor swift.

You turn up the volume to the song 'we are never ever getting back together' and start singing along

You: Ooh, ooh, ooh
We called it off again last night

Guy: But ooh, ooh, ooh
This time, I'm telling you, I'm telling you

You two make eye contact and smile

You and the guy: We are never ever, ever getting back together
We are never ever, ever getting back together
You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me
But we are never ever, ever, ever getting back together
Like, ever

You two continue singing until the song ends and start laughing.

You: hey bro what's your name

Guy: my name is Jeff

Darkest of Souls [RWBY X Badass Male reader]Where stories live. Discover now