Part 1

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???: alright Yang and Blake you check the surrounding area, me an-

You: Owwwwwww my head...

You are holding your head with one hand after the massive flash back and remembering all of the torture and how you died. Just as you open your eyes you see 4 women in front of you.

???: are you the one who caused the energy surge

The white haired one spoke in a high pitched voice. But you didnt focus on that, you were focused on the blonde and red haired girl. Then you remembered that they were your sisters

??? Are you even listening to-

You cut her off by pulling yang and ruby into a hug while sobbing, if any one in Anor Londo saw this they would most likely see you as weak. Then you would just wipe out the population though. You see that they are confused why the guy in stone armor (havel's armor) was hugging them. You slowly take off your helmet to reveal your face that looks relatively the same as it did "three years ago" and their eyes go wide. They both start crying and hugging you

Yang: I'm s-so sorry for-

She gets cut off by you hugging tighter. You three stay there for a moment until yang and ruby calm down. You look at the other two who look confused.

Ruby: w-wait how are y-you here? We saw you...

You chuckle slightly

You: well, yes but did you ever wonder what happened after you buried me?

The white haired girl and who you can assume is "Blake" both go wide eyed at hearing you were buried, implying that you died.

Blake: whats he talking about buried?

Yang looks guilty, you notice this and put a hand on her shoulder.

You: why dont we start with introductions first?

They nod and you look to ruby who was still clinging to you like her life depended on it.

You: I am Y/n rose. Ruby's older brother, and yang's younger brother

Blake looks shocked, but the girl in white bowed.

???: I am Weiss Schnee ( idk if that's correct spelling) heiress to Schnee dust company.

You: oh well if we're showing of titles I am the lord of cinder, and king of lothric, Among other things.

Every one goes wide eyed at how hard you just flexed on weiss.

Blake: I'm Blake belladonna it's a pleasure to meet you.

She offers her hand, and you accept the hand shake.

Weiss: Well you certainly dont act like a king.

You look to her.

You: I dont even want to be the king.

Everyone puts on a confused face.

You: the only reason I am king was because I had to fulfill some guys family legacy because he saved me from rotting in an asylum.

Weiss: so your crazy? I knew you couldn't be king.

She puts on a smug face

You: not that kind of asylum, it was the equivalent of a prison where they put undead so when they die again and go hollow they dont hurt anyone. It was guarded by two demons, I had to go through hell to just ring a couple of bells, TWO FUCKING BELLS! Anyway then I went through a place called Sen's temple and killed an iron golem. Then I made it to Anor Londo and made some giant mistakes (Fucking love you if you get the joke) and then I met the daughter of gwyn and she gave me the lord vessel, I killed a few dragons, did some time travel, killed some gods, rekindled the first flame, and got to rest in piece for a few decades.

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