Part 8

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You are sitting in your classroom waiting for jaune. After a few minutes he comes through the door.

You: Jaune shut the fuck up and sit down.

He pulls up a chair and sits in it

You: i know that you've been training with Pyrrha.  I'm glad you're showing some kind of initiative.

Jaune: well, cant be the weak one forever.

He nervously laughs, you chuckle

You: yeah I know how that feels...

Theres a pause for a moment

You: anyway, I would like you to meet one of my friends. His name is Solaire, Solaire of Astora. He will be helping with your training, no you do not get a say in this.

Jaune: is he as strong as you?

You think for a second

You: nah, probably about 1/3. He was one of my mentors though, he taught me how to use the lightning spear... yeah uh, I impaled myself more times than I'd like to admit... but you have aura so that probably wont be much of a problem!

He smiles

Jaune: so when does he get here?

You grab the white soap stone and draw his summoning sign on the ground

You: now

Solaire stands up doing his signature praise the sun pose


He then realizes jaune is there and clears his throat.

Solaire: my apologies, I did not realize I was in the presence of someone else

You: eh, hes chill

Solaire: lit

Jaune: ok professor-

You: jaune, just call me y/n

Jaune: this guy just crawled out of the floor!

You look at jaune, and then to solaire

You: this world completely forgot about magic by the way.

Solaire: do they at least have sunny D?

You: I dont really know, but here take mine.

You toss him your full Sunny D flask

You: ok I want you to train this lil' bitch boi in swords and throwing lightning spears.

You put your hand on jaunes shoulder when you say this

Jaune: hey!

Solaire: bet

You look to jaune

You: tell him about Remnant, about grimm, and about how fucking adorable faunus are. Aight imma go get some ice cream.

Jaune leaves with solaire as you just appear infront of a ice cream shop.  As you walk inside you bump into someone who is significantly shorter than you.  Just then you see a neapolitan icecream cone on the floor and a girl with matching features.

You: oh, I'm terribly sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going. Let me buy you another one.

You look at the icecream girl and she smiles and nods. You both walk up to the counter.

Icecream man: what can I get you, oh hey didnt i just see you up here?

He was looking at the little girl

You: i accidentally bumped into her, I'll have 2 number nines, a number nine large, I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra chocolate syrup, a number 7, two number 45s, one with syrup, and a large sunny D

The guy deadpans

Ice cream man: out of what you just said... we have sunny D

You: ok then give me a neapolitan with sunny D, and get the kid whatever she wants.

He looks at the girl and starts scooping two cones of neapolitan icecream.

He hands you your icecream and sunny D, you pay him and go sit down in a booth. The icecream girl comes  and sits infront of you

You: so what's your name kid?

She looks slightly irritated and pulls out a pen and note pad

Neo: neo, and I'm 17!

You: there is literally no way that you are 17

Neo pouts

You: so you're mute?

Neo nods and points to a scar on her throat

You: what happened?

She doesn't respond, you continue eating your icecream.

You: well, I've gotta go back to beacon. Do you live around here or something?

Neo: no

You: then do you need me to take you home?

Neo has a sad look on her face

Neo: I dont have a home

You are slightly shocked to hear this because of the quality of her outfit.

You: would you like to stay with me then? I've already got three other people staying in my room but I guess I could make a couple of renovations...

Neo: what's the catch

You look at her confused

You: what do you mean

Neo: theres always a catch to these kind of things

You think for a moment

You: well you wont technically be enrolled in beacon, so do you want to be my teachers assistant?

Neo: your a teacher?

You: surprisingly yes, my students literally watched me do coke off of my scroll... I threw a cripple out of the towers window... after I crippled him!

Neo deadpans

You: the point is it's not the most surprising thing that happens in my class.

Neo: so you're not going to- ya know...

You look confused for a moment and realize what shes insinuating, your eyes go wide and you put you hands up.

You: nononononono, I would never do that!

Neo: so you're saying I'm ugly?

You: No! You're adorable But-

Neo: so you would?

You: Yes! Wait no! I mean-

Neo: how many girls have you gotten to "stay with you" before?

You: None!

Neo: so you're a virgin?

You: Yes-!

You face palm

You: god damn it neo...

All the while she is just sitting there silently giggling, people all around were looking at you. One guy who was sitting behind you patted you on the back.

Guy: dont worry bro, you'll find somone eventually.

You look at neo who is still giggling and stand up.

You: come on kid, I know a short cut.

Neo: just like your-

You: neo, if you finish writing that sentence I'm not buying you icecream.

She instantly throws the paper in the trash, as you walk through the door you dont go outside, but into your dorm with neo.


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