Part 16

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You wake up in your bed with neo laying her head on your chest. You move a few strands of hair out from in front of her eyes when your scroll gets a notification.

You pick up the scroll to see that it's a text from ozpin.

Ozpin: get to my office, now.

You sigh and get up, you look down to see that you are in only boxers.

You: good enough

You teleport ozpins office to see ruby, ironwood, glynda, and ozpin standing in front of you.

Glynda: professor rose, why aren't you wearing pants!?

You: ... its eight in the morning on a Saturday, a better question would be why the fuck couldn't this wait?

Ironwood: to be fair it is pretty early...

Ozpin: ruby here caught somone stealing information from us, she said the man said something about a hideout in the south east, just outside of vale.

You: so? Why am I included in this at all?

Ironwood: I still say that we should send an army-

You: ok ok, we can stop measuring cocks, mine is obviously the biggest. Leave the damn base alone, it will either sort itself out or provide a badass fight or two later...

Ozpin: thank you y/n... now ms rose, you should go spend some time with your team, you all have a big day ahead of you...

Ruby: ok!

She leaves

You: I already know exactly what the fuck is about to happen... it will be fucking awesome...

You appear in team rwby's dorm fully dressed. Yang sees you and hides something behind her back

Yang: oh hey y/n!

You: what's behind your back yang...

Ruby: it's a package sent from dad!

Yang just looks at her like she had just told Gordon Ramsay that his food was bland.

You: oh yeah? What did he send?

Ruby: we're not sure yet, yang open it up!

Yang: alright just calm down.

She opens it and turns it over, a black cylinder slides out and falls to the ground. After a moment it takes the shape of a dog

Ruby: zwei!

You: holy shit hes still alive?!

Yang: what?

You pick him up and hug him

You: hes been around since ruby was born. That's pretty damn long in dog years

Blake: keep that thing away from my stuff...

You make eye contact with her, then you look to her bed, and then back to her.

Blake: dont you dare even think about  it.

You look back at her bed

Blake: Y/N I swear to the gods if you do that I will- 

You set zwei on Blake's bed and look back at her while zwei proceeds to take a shit on her pillow. son of a bitch

Blake lunges at you but you turn into ashes and appear behind her.

You: anyway I'm done with this bit, go do the huntsman ride along bullshit.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2021 ⏰

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