Part 9

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Neo gets introduced to team CMEN and is sitting on your bed, mind you she has her own bed but refuses to sleep in it. While amber is still sleeping 

You were getting up to get a (favorite soda) from the fridge when your scroll vibrates. You pull it out and its ozpin

You: damn it ozpin, can I enjoy my fucking weekend? Ok girls I'll be back if amber wakes up call me.

Cinder: ok

You dissolve into ash and rematerialize in ozpin's office.

You: what

Ozpin: wait here for a moment Mr. Rose, general ironwood will be here shortly.

You wait for a few seconds until the elevator dings. Out walks james ironwood himself

Ozpin: it's nice to see you james

You: what's up metal oak

Ironwood glares at you

Ironwood: who is he and why is he here?

You: why was your name ironwood before you had to get cybernetics?

Ironwood: ....fair point

Ozpin: this is y/n rose, he may be able to deliver some insight to this energy surge

You: there was another one?

Ozpin: yes

Ironwood: forgive me ozpin but how can one of your students possibly help more than my team of scientists?

You: actually I'm a professor

Ironwood is taken aback from this

You: anyway was there a crater like there was for me?

Ozpin pulls up a picture on his scroll

Ozpin: a perfect circle

You analyze the picture for a moment and then sigh.

You: looks like your wife just got an ally... one that can rival me.

Ozpin: how can you tell?

You: look closely, theres an imprint on the ground of a sword...

You: look closely, theres an imprint on the ground of a sword

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(Just an imprint in the dirt in this shape)

You: that sword belongs to an alternate version of me... that guy is a fucking asshole, we're similar in abilities but different in morality... and he looks like a discount dio.

Ozpin: so you're saying that he will side with salem?

You: definitely, this is the shit I teach my class when I'm not traumatizing them.

Ironwood: alright this sounds like a bunch of bullshit

You: I literally went to war with him- ya know what, fuck it

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