Part 10

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You and amber get done cooking, so you decide to wake up neo. You walk into the room and place your hand on the icecream girls shoulder, you turn her over to see a distressed look on her face.

You: is she having a bad dream or something?

You put your hand to her forehead and feel that she is burning up. You turn on the bedside lamp and walk into the bathroom, soon you come back out with a wet cloth.

You place the folded cloth on her forehead and she latches onto your arm while silently crying. You sit down on the side of the bed and wipe her tears away.

After a few minutes of this she jolts into an upright position with her eyes wide and looking around.

She sees you and hugs you, burying her face into your chest. You hug her back and whisper into her ear

You: shh, it's ok neo... I'm here...

She continues crying for a few moments.

You: what happened neo?

She looks at you with tears still in her eyes and grabs her scroll.

Neo: I had a nightmare about the guy who cut my vocal cords

You: who was it?

Neo: roman torchwick

You silently plan to murder this ramen torchdick guy. You pull out your sunlight talisman and hold it over neo, after a few seconds she looks at you in awe.

You: you should be able to talk now

Neo: w-what happened?

You: I healed your vocal cords

Neo hugs you again.

Neo: you're the best

You smile

You: yeah, I am pretty great aren't I

Neo giggles a little

You: now come on, me and amber made dinner.

You pick her up and walk into the kitchen to see amber already eating.
She looks to you with a mouthful of baked potato.

Amber: this is fucking amazing!

You set neo down and sit beside them, neo starts eating but stops in a sudden realization.

Neo: hey y/n, how did you heal my vocal cords?

Amber: I would also like to know how you gave my my powers back.

You are cutting into your steak.

You: magic

You put the piece of steak that you had cut off into your mouth. They both look at you with blank stares.

Neo: seriously y/n

You take another bite

You: I am being serious, have I really not had this talk with you guys yet?

Amber/neo: No!

You explain the same thing you told cinder, your entire life start to finish, taking the occasional bite of steak and potato. They both had the same reaction as cinder.

You: so yeah that's about it

You take one last bite of steak and smile.

You: anyway, I'm gonna go see what the hell my sisters are up to. Hell just last week they stopped a white fang operation.

You turn to ash and reappear in team rwby's room.

Ruby: sorry sun, we dont want to get friends involved.

You: what about family?

Ruby jumps at your sudden appearance.

Ruby: oh, y/n!

She hugs you and you pay her head.

You: so why are there two guys looking into the window of a girls dorm?

Weiss: I was just about to ask-

???: can somone let me the fuck in!?

You walk over to the window and pull the two in.

You: anyway, what's going on?

Ruby: we're going on a mission to find out what the white fang are planning

Weiss: ruby! Hes a teacher!

Ruby: so?

Weiss: hes going to tell ozpin you dolt!

You: I literally dont have to tell ozpin shit.

Sun: so who are you anyway?

You: I'm ruby and yang's brother, I'm also a professor here.

Sun gets up and introduces you to Neptune.

Neptune: sup.

You: fuck off discount Poseidon, anyway who am I going with?

Ruby: I guess you can go with Neptune and yang, and sun can go with blake.

You: k.

Weiss: I was thinking maybe you could go with yang ruby.

Ruby: but then who would go with you?

Weiss: maybe Neptune could come with me...

You are doing your best to hold back laughter.

Ruby: nope!

Ruby then drags weiss out of the room, you burst out laughing.

You: she is way too innocent for her own good.

Yang: yep, alright let's get going!

You: alright you guys go ahead I'll meet you there, junior's right?

Yang: that's the place!

You: alright, see ya there

Yang: see ya!

And with that they both leave while you just turn to ash and reappear in the bar.

You: yo junior, my sister is coming in in a few minutes, just warning you in advance.

Junior: thanks y/n, the usual?

You: yeah.

Junior starts pouring a shot of whipped cream vodka.

You: leave the bottle, yang is riding her motorcycle. I gotta pass the time somehow.

He nods and sets the bottle down beside the shot glass

Junior: so, hows it been sense last week when you bought literally everything here?

You: oh you wont fucking believe it, two of my students found the key to my liquor cabinet and drank all of it. They fucking passed out a few hours ago.

You take the shot, and pour another one.

Junior: how did they even get to the cabinet, isnt it in your room?

You: both of them are staying in my room, yes they are hot, no I'm not smashing, there are four of them.

Junior: damn, so they're all chicks?

You: yeah, I'm kinda worried about one of them though, her name is neo

Junior drops the glass he was cleaning

Junior: pink and brown hair?

You: yeah, how'd you know?

Junior: that dickhead roman torchwick cut her throat and beat her, I dont see how somone could do that to a kid...

You: I knew something was up when she woke up crying, I healed her vocal cords so she can talk again... oh that should be yang pulling up, tell your guys to fuck off so she doesn't blow anything up.

You yeet the shot glass across the bar and just take the bottle and take a big sip from it.

Yang: Junior! You still owe me a drink!

Yo I'm leaving this chapter here, finally getting back into the main story instead of doing retarded shit.

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