Part 13

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You: I just want to talk

You are power walking toward the door to ozpin's office

Glynda: y/n calm down

You: I just want to talk with him

Glynda: y/n stop!

You load a double barrel shotgun

You: I just want to talk with him

You kick down the door and point the shotgun at ozpin.

You: did you raid my village

Ozpin: wha-

You: did you Raid my fucking village on clash of clans!?!

Ozpin: you're holding me at gun point because you got attacked in a video game?!?

You: answer the damn question!


You: you son of a bi-

Glynda hands you an un-labled bottle and you instantly down all of its contents. You start to feel a little funny before getting knocked the fuck out.

Ozpin: what was in that?

Glynda holds up a box that says

Bill Cosby's instant coma
Warning: do not use more than two tablets at a time, dont leave any evidence behind
Side effects of using this product may include: STDs, pregnancy, lawsuits, and a prison sentence from 15 years to life depending on state or province.

Ozpin: how many tablets did you use?

Glynda: I lost count after four boxes... theres 32 in a box...

Ozpin leans back in his chair

Ozpin: then I should be fine for a few hours... just throw him out the window there... now do you know where I can get more of this intant coma?

Glynda looks at ozpin and exits the room. Ozpin looks down

Ozpin: it's been so fucking long since I got laid...


You wake up in your room

You: the audacity of this bitch... where are my fucking pants!

You put on a pair of jeans and sit down to read a book you got from blake. Just then you see cinder, emerald, and neo walk through the door looking tired as fuck.

You: rough day?

Cinder: amber took us clothes shopping... coco came with us but we managed to escape...

You turn the page and neo sits in your lap

Neo: what are you reading?

You: a blake that book let me borrow.

Neo: can you read to me?

You: you want me to read this book to you?

Neo shakes her head

You read

You: she reaches her hand inside of his pants and pulls out his long fat cock-

Emerald: what the fuck are you reading?!

You look at the cover

You: niggas of love... my bad, its ninjas of love

Emerald walks up and plucks the book out of your hands

Emerald: I'm giving this back to blake...

You: oh come on, I was only on the second page!

Emerald: and it has this scene?!

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