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Shay's face held a smile as she leaned against the old car her father was currently working on, a greasy paper bag of takeout food in her hand. It was a daily occurrence for Shay to bring lunch to Teller-Morrow Automotive for her father, though with everything that had happened in the last couple of days it hadn't allowed Shay to get over to TM for their quality father-daughter time.

"Who you calling old?" Caleb Miller let out a throaty chuckled as he pulled out a handkerchief from the back of his coveralls, wiping the grease off of his hands. "I've always got time for lunch." The older man teased as he shut the hood of the Oldsmobile he had worked on for the third time this week.

The father-daughter duo made their way towards an empty picnic table, sitting down on opposite sides of each other with smiles on their faces as they dug into their lunches. It was quiet at TM for the moment and Shay was thankful for that. It felt like she hadn't had a quiet moment since finding Wendy on the kitchen floor.

"So, what's on your mind?" Caleb questioned as stared at his youngest daughter. It was common for Shay to visit him at work, but Caleb could tell there was a lot on his daughter's mind and honestly, he didn't blame her.

Shay heaved a heavy sigh at her father's question. There was a lot on her mind, she didn't even know where to begin. It felt like she was stuck in this endless loop of bad shit, like Wendy's overdose was just the beginning of bad things to come.

"I think the easier question would be what isn't on my mind." Shay stated with a sarcastic laugh. "I'm just worried about Abel and Jax." The Miller woman spoke with a sigh,

"He hasn't gone to visit Abel. It's like he doesn't believe that Abel can pull through and make it, and that little boy needs him now more than ever." Tears had gathered in Shay's blue eyes as she spoke, thinking about how Jax had yet to go visit Abel made her so fucking angry.

Caleb could hear the anger in his daughter's voice and could see her blue eyes growing watery, reaching over he placed a comforting hand on top of hers. "People handle things in their own way, baby." The Miller man told his daughter, "You've got to let Jax handle this in his own way, Shay."

The Miller woman nodded. In a way she knew her father was right —— it didn't mean she had to like it though. Shay, she felt that Jax should be there at St. Thomas visiting Abel — instead he left that up to Gemma.

"Thanks for your wise advice, old man." Shay teased with a laugh as she gathered up her garbage.

"Hey, you could only hope you'll be this wise when you're my age." The Miller man chuckled as he stood up from the picnic table.

"I'll see you later, dad." Shay said with a laugh while shaking her head. "Don't work too hard." She added in a stern voice.

"Ah, don't worry I won't." Caleb assured his daughter with a wave of his hand. "Love you, Shay."

"Love you too, dad." She smiled before walking off towards her car, feeling much better about the day after seeing her dad.

Too bad that was all about to change.


SHAY ONCE AGAIN FOUND HERSELF at St. Thomas, after leaving TM she decided to go check in on Abel and Wendy. If Jax wasn't willing to go see Abel yet then at least she could be there for the him.

"Hey, little guy." Shay cooed as she looked down at the incubator that Abel's tiny body laid in. "You gotta get stronger little guy. We all need you."

"What are you doing in here?"

Shay looked up from Abel to see Tara Knowles standing in the entrance of the room with a look of annoyance on her face and her arms across her chest. Why did it not surprise Shay that Tara Knowles had made her presence known, a scowl on her pretty face and a fury in her brown eyes as she stared at The Miller woman.

"I'm visiting Abel." Shay stated matter of fact, trying her best to keep the sarcasm out of her tone.

"It's family only." Tara pointed out. "Immediate family." She clarified before Shay could open her mouth to respond.

Shay moved away from Abel's incubator, closing the small distance between her and Tara. It wasn't surprising that Tara was pulling her rank, showing Shay that she called the shots here, but it seemed like the doctor had been away for far too long and had forgotten that Shay Miller wasn't one to be bossed around —— especially by Tara Knowles.

"Is that really how you're going to play this, Tara?" Shay scoffed as she stood in front of Tara with an arched eyebrow.

"I'm not playing anything, Shay." Tara said, spitting the raven haired woman's name from her mouth like it was poison. "I'm just doing my job."

"Sure you are, Doctor Knowles." Shay said with sarcasm dripping from each word. "I'll just go get the mother's permission then." The Miller woman said smugly as she walked passed the brown haired woman.

A scoff left Tara's mouth as she followed behind Shay, "Good luck with that. Wendy overdosed early this afternoon."

The words that flowed from Tara's mouth stopped Shay in her tracks. She turned around with shock running across her features as she stared at the doctor looking for any signs that she was making some sort of fucked up joke.

"What? You're fucking serious?" Shay questioned as she ran a hand through her raven hair.

Shay wasn't sure why it had surprised her so much to hear that Wendy had overdosed — again. But maybe it was because when she saw her hours ago the Case woman seemed to be in better spirits.

"Of course I'm fucking serious." Tara whispered-yelled, her eyes taking in their surroundings. "I also happen to think it's a little suspicious that you came to visit Wendy yesterday and then a few hours later Gemma shows up and then she overdoses." The doctor spoke with suspicion clear in her voice as she eyed the Miller woman.

Tara Knowles had never liked Shay Miller. It was that simple. She couldn't pinpoint the exact reason why but the brown haired doctors dislike for the Miller woman had always been there — even after all these years.

"You're fucking crazy." Shay said slowly. "I'm not going to stand here and listen to you and your crazy fucking conspiracy theories." The Miller woman shook her head as she walked away from Tara. Anger forming in the pit of her stomach at the Knowles' woman's accusations.

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