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THE SOFT RHYTHMIC BREATHING COMING THROUGH THE BABY MONITOR fulled the room as Shay laid wide awake in her bed, listening to the small monitor that sat on her nightstand as well as listening to the soft snores coming from her boyfriend who laid sound asleep next to her.

A sigh left the Miller woman's lips as she turned on her side and began to softly trace the tattoo on her boyfriend's forearm. Shay Miller always considered herself an insomniac, but only after her daughter — Leela was born did it get worse. Shay's life wasn't what anyone would consider a conventional one, and the raven haired woman was always worried about something happening to her daughter due to her close ties with SAMCRO. Especially Jax Teller. Shay knew if anyone wanted to hurt SAMCRO, and Jax they wouldn't be above hurting his child, and that thought alone kept her up most nights.

The sound of her phone vibrating across her nightstand pulled Shay from her thoughts. She quickly sat up and grabbed her phone, a panic filling up her chest as Jax's name flashed across the small cell phone screen. It didn't matter that Shay had been around SAMCRO her whole life, whenever she received a call late at night it automatically filled her with a panic she couldn't quite describe to anyone who didn't understand her unconventional life.

"Jax," Shay whispered into the phone as she grabbed the baby monitor, glancing back at her boyfriend to make sure he hadn't been woken up before softly exiting the room. "is everything okay?" She hurriedly questioned while making her way outside.

Shay made herself comfortable on the porch as she waited for Jax's reply.

"Can I come over darlin'?" Jax questioned, his voice sounding tired as he ignored Shay's question.

It had been a long night for Jax, with SAMCRO's warehouse being burned down by Mayans, and trying to figure out a way to get rid of the two women's bodies they found burnt to death inside of the warehouse with their bellies full of Tig's DNA before David fuckin' Hale did. It had been one of the longer nights he had in a while.


Jax could sense the hesitation in Shay's voice as she spoke. He knew without a doubt that Shay's boyfriend was there — he practically lived there, and Jax knew that Shay liked to keep her SAMCRO world as far away from Benjamin as possible — though it was pretty much impossible to do.

Shay ended the call once Jax's promise to be there in ten minutes left his mouth. The cool Charming breeze felt nice against her skin as she waited to hear the familiar roar of Jax's bike. It was less than ten minutes later as Shay sat in the comfort of silence that she heard the loud rumble of Jax's bike as it grew closer and closer towards her house.

The Miller woman's blue eyes watched as Jax parked his bike with ease at the curb, looking over at her with a smile as he pulled the helmet from his head before making his way towards the raven haired woman.

"Hey, Mills." Jax greeted, using the nickname he had given to Shay many years ago. "How was my girl today?" The blonde biker questioned — referring to the daughter he and Shay shared as he took over the empty spot next to Shay.

It wasn't a huge shock when Shay told Jax she was pregnant. They had been messing around for a while with no real rules or definition of what they were.

"She was fine." Shay said while scratching her forehead. "Is everything okay, Jax?" She asked as her blue eyes bore into his.

"Yeah darlin'." Jax said. His infamous Teller smirk made it's way onto his tired face as he reassured the raven haired Miller woman sitting next to him. "Rough night is all, Mills."

"You sure?" Shay questioned while raising an eyebrow at the blonde biker.

Shay could tell there was more on Jax's mind than just a 'rough night'. Jax Teller had plenty of rough nights in the many years that Shay knew him, and she could tell by his face that there was more to his words that he wasn't willing to share.

"I'm sure darlin'." He assured while placing a kiss on her cheek.

Jax knew Shay worried a lot more about what SAMCRO was really involved with since their daughter was born, and instead of keeping her up all night with worry he decided to put on his Teller charm and keep the truth from her — for right now at least.

"Ma's gonna go check on Wendy tomorrow." Jax said as he stood up from the porch. "Will you go with her?" He asked, his blue eyes pleading with Shay's as he run a hand over his blonde hair.

A small sigh left Shay's lips at the mention of Jax's pregnant ex-wife. Wendy Case was a junkie hang around who did whatever it took to gain Jax's attention. Which turns out wasn't much for a vulnerable Jax Teller.

"Yeah." Shay nodded.

"You're the best darlin'." Jax smiled, placing one last kiss on her cheek before walking off towards his bike.

Shay watched Jax ride off down the street before walking back into her house. A sigh leaving her lips as she closed the door softly behind her. She ran a hand through her raven hair as she leaned against the door, thoughts of what tomorrow held for her raced through mind as she made her way towards her bedroom.


𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊 【ᴊᴀx ᴛᴇʟʟᴇʀ】Where stories live. Discover now