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 SHAY LAID NEXT TO JAX IN HIS BED, his soft breathing telling her that he was already asleep

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SHAY LAID NEXT TO JAX IN HIS BED, his soft breathing telling her that he was already asleep. A months had passed since Shay had found out the truth about Donna's murder and the relationship between her and Tig was no longer there. Jax had warned Tig not to come near Shay or Leela, that Shay knew the truth about Donna.

While Tig and Shay's relationship had ended, hers and Jax's had changed. They were no longer just co-parents and best friends — they were now a couple. She couldn't lie to herself any longer. She had always loved Jax Teller and nothing nor anyone would change how her heart felt whenever she saw him.

Jax's arm wrapped around her waist tighter, pulling her restless body closer to his. "What's on your mind, Mills?" Jax's sleep laced voice questioned.

"I thought you were asleep." Shay said as she began absentmindedly running a hand through his hair.

"I was." He slowly opened his blue eyes, smiling at Shay with his infamous smirk that had always made her heart flutter. "But I can always tell when you're not." He stated matter of factly while placing a soft kiss on her neck.

The Miller woman stared at Jax for a moment, taking in his features while also appreciating how much Jax truly knew about her. Most men didn't care to even know her birthday, but Jax, he knew everything about her.

"I just can't get my brain to stop. I keep thinking about Donna and how maybe if I were with her I could have helped. I know it sounds stupid, but maybe things would have been different if I went." Shay ranted as tears filled her eyes.

For weeks she had been thinking about how differently things could have played out if she just insisted on going with Donna. In the very back of her mind though she knew nothing would have changed. Donna would still be dead and maybe Shay too, but that didn't change her thoughts.

"Look at me, Shay." Jax's tone was firm as he stared at Shay's pained face. He could see all of the emotions going through her eyes.

Shay stared into Jax's conflicted blue eyes. The last few weeks his eyes always seemed conflicted more and more. Shay knew the club was having their issues with the Irish, but it felt like there was more to it than that.

"Nothing would have changed if you went with Donna. The only thing that would be different is you'd be dead too, and I can't even fucking think about that." Jax pulled Shay close to him as though she would disappear at any moment. "Tig would be a fuckin' dead man if that happened. I need you Shay and so does Leela and Abel."

"I love you, Mills."

"I love you too, Teller." Shay smiled, relaxing into Jax's tight embrace.

IT WAS ONLY A FEW HOURS LATER when Shay was awoken by the loud vibration of her phone, with a groan she felt around for her phone before answering the phone with a groggy 'what?'

"Shit Shay, I'm sorry for waking you up but Nat just got a call from Farrah." Kozik voice was full of panic as he spoke making Shay quickly sit up and opened her eyes.

"What's wrong, Kozik?" She could feel Jax staring at her as he quickly sat up, placing a comforting hand on her lower back.

"Your dad has been in an accident."

Kozik's words echoed in her brain as she tried to stay calm and listen to Kozik, but she couldn't. Shay's mind immediately went to the worst case scenario.

"Shay did you hear me? I said me and Nat are leaving to come there." Kozik's voice was soft as he waited patiently for Shay to say something.

Shay nodded before realizing he couldn't see her. "Okay." Her voice monotone as she handed her phone over to Jax.

Her mind was on autopilot right now and all she knew was that she needed to get dress and go to St. Thomas.

"Shit." Jax cursed into the phone as he stared at Shay. "Thanks Koz." Jax quickly hung up the phone.

"I have to go to St Thomas." Shay stood up and began pulling clothes over her body.

"I know." Jax stood up and pulled her into a tight hug, allowing Shay to calm down for a moment before getting himself dressed.

SHAY PACED THE WAITING ROOM OF ST THOMAS. The was no news on her father's condition yet and it was making her anxiety at an all time high. All she knew was that her father and Farrah had been in a bad accident as Unser told her, but that Farrah only had a few cuts and bruises.

Of course her mother got out unharmed that's always how it was for her. Farrah got out of life unharmed while everyone else around her got destroyed.

Jax placed a hand on Shay's back as he stood next to her. He knew her mind was all over the place — not that he blamed her. Shay had been close to her father since she was a kid and even though they had hardly spoken to each other since Farrah arrived, it didn't mean that she still didn't love her dad.

"Caleb Miller's family?" A man in scrubs called out.

Shay rushed towards the doctor with Jax close behind her. "Yes. I'm his daughter."

Shay waited as the doctor took a moment to speak, only making her nerves worse.

"I'm so sorry. We did all we could but he didn't make it." The doctor apologized with sympathy on his face.

Shay immediately collapsed into Jax's arms at the doctor's words. How? Why? Her father was gone forever and she hadn't spoken to him in weeks all because she was petty. Now she's never speak to him again, now Leela would never see her grandpa again. It was too much for her as a loud wail left her lips.


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