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IT WAS LATE BY THE TIME NATALIE AND KOZIK had arrived in Charming. Shay was grateful for Jax spending his night with her, waiting for the couple to arrive. She knew he could of been doing anything else than wasting hours with her, but he kept assuring her there was no were else he'd rather be.

"So, what's the plan?" Shay looked over at Natalie, who looked completely exhausted as she cuddled into Kozik's side as the couple sat on the smaller couch in Shay's living room.

Shay realized how ridiculous her questioned sounded. It sounded as though they were planning some secret covert operation, but this was Farrah they were dealing with so maybe in some way it was.

A sigh left Natalie's lips as she ran a hand through her dark hair. "I don't know. Do we just show up at dad's, barge in and start screaming? Do we call him and ask to meet him alone? I honestly have no idea."

It had been years since either Miller sister had to deal with their mother, and the thought of having to be in a room with the woman for more than two seconds was filling both of them with dread. They weren't scared of confrontation, they would take on the biggest person in the room if they felt they had wronged them or someone they loved, but Farrah Miller was a different story. That woman made them feel like two scared little girls all over again.

Jax and Kozik shared a looked, the two men had been keeping their opinions to themselves — for now at least. The two bikers who were in love with the Miller sisters knew how hurt they were, but they also knew the two sisters well enough to know when to be quiet and just listen.

"I don't even understand why he's doing this. You would think after everything that bitch has done he'd realize that she never loved him." Shay shook her head as her leg began to bounce up and down. The anxiety coursing through her body was in overdrive right now, not even Jax's comforting hand on her thigh was helpful.

"Dad has always been in love with her. Don't you remember a month after she left and we would hear him on the phone late at night, crying and begging her to come back?" Natalie questioned with a bitterness in her tone as Kozik rubbed a comforting hand down her arm.

Shay shook her head as she tried to remember Natalie's words, but she had been so young and there were so many times their mother had left; that all the memories blurred together.

"He called her every night for a fucking month." Natalie scoffed. "Until Gemma finally came over and told him to stop being so pathetic and take care of us."

Jax wasn't shocked at Natalie's words. He could remember all the times Gemma had to go over to The Miller household when he was younger, most times bringing back Shay and Natalie with him. He could remember how angry a young Natalie was, and how quiet and sad a young Shay was.

"We're going over there." Shay decided, the firm tone in her voice breaking Jax from his thoughts. "We're going to confront her once and for all tomorrow." The brunette stated matter of factly as she looked at her older sister for confirmation.

"Okay." Natalie nodded in agreement.

Jax pulled Shay'a body closer to him as he tried his best to comfort her. He knew tomorrow's confrontation was going to be hell, but he would be there for her.

Jax Teller would always be there for Shay Miller —hell or high water.


GEMMA KNOCKED LOUDLY ON TARA'S DOOR. The SAMCRO queen didn't care that it was late at night or if the doctor was sleeping. It was time for Tara to answer her questions, and start telling the truth for once.

"Jesus Christ." Tara hissed as she pulled open the door. "What are you doing here, Gemma? Do you know what time it is?!" The brunette spat as she crossed her arms across her chest, staring at the older woman with disgust.

Gemma raised any eyebrow at the Knowles' woman attitude, a smirk forming on her lips. "Yeah I know what time it is, doc." She said while forcing her way into the house.

"Gemma, get out! I'll call Jax and tell him you're bothering his pregnant  girlfriend." Tara warned.

A scoff left Gemma's lips. "That's the card you're gonna play sweetheart? The pregnant card?"

A lump formed in Tara's throat at Gemma's words. Tara had known Gemma well enough to know the implications of her words, and it scared the shit out of her. The Knowles woman wouldn't give Gemma the satisfaction though, she would play dumb until the last second.

"Oh, you're playing dumb. You really are a conniving bitch. You come back and act like a damsel in distress to get Jax back in your web, but when you see that you're not the one he truly loves anymore you make up this pregnancy to pull him back in." Gemma shook her head as she pulled a cigarette from her purse, lighting it up.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Tara said flatly as she kept her face free of any emotions. She knew she had been caught, but she wouldn't admit it to Gemma Teller of all people.

"Oh baby, you're so fucked. I went to that doctor's office. That pretty girl behind the desk said there's no record of you ever going there. When I tell Jax—

"He won't believe you." Tara tried to say with confidence, but even she could hear the shakiness in her voice.

A laugh left Gemma's lip. "We'll see." The older brunette promised as she threw her cigarette down on the carpeted floor, putting it out with her heeled boot. "Have a goodnight, doctor Knowles." Gemma smirked before exiting the house, leaving Tara standing there with a lump in her throat and an uneasiness in her stomach.


I feel like I really rushed this chapter. I know I said this chapter would have the confrontation with shays mom but that will be next chapter because I wanted to include Gemma confronting Tara first. Thanks for all the votes and comments ! ❤️

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