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JAX RAN A HAND OVER HIS HAIR as he sat silently taking in his mother's words

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JAX RAN A HAND OVER HIS HAIR as he sat silently taking in his mother's words.

From the moment Tara had told him she was pregnant the biker had a feeling something was off, but he didn't think she would go so low as to lie about this.

Maybe Gemma had gotten her information wrong? Maybe she was lying to him because of her hatred for the doctor. Jax wouldn't put it passed his mother to make up such an elaborate lie just to get him to leave Tara in hopes he'd finally be a family with Shay.

"I know it's a lot to take in, baby." Gemma broke the silence as she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

A sigh fell from Jax's lips as he ran a hand over his tired face. "How do I know you're telling the truth, ma? How do I know you're not lyin' just to get me to leave Tara?" The blonde biker raised an eyebrow towards his mother, a look of shock crossing her features for a moment.

"Look, I don't like Tara at all, but I wouldn't stoop this fucking low, Jackson." Gemma huffed as she removed her hand from Jax's shoulder. She had been offended he even had the balls to ask her that question. Sure, she wasn't Tara's biggest fan by any means but Gemma didn't play around when it came to her grandchildren.

Jax nodded. He knew his mother was telling the truth. "Can you stay with Abel for a little bit?" He asked while getting up from the couch.

Gemma nodded. "What are you gonna do, Jax?"

The SAMCRO queen wanted Tara and her lies to be handled too, but she didn't want Jax to do anything stupid and risk losing everything just because of her.

"I'm gonna get the truth from Tara."


TARA HAD BEEN EXPECTING JAX'S ARRIVAL ever since her tense conversation with Gemma, but what the doctor wasn't expecting was for the Teller man to believe his mother's words so quickly.

Of course she knew the tight grip Gemma had on Jax, but she had naively believed that Jax would laugh in Gemma's face and tell her to leave them alone; her accusations against her were ridiculous, but here he stood in her home looking at her like she had just murdered someone.

"Why? Tell me why the fuck you would lie about being pregnant?" Jax's jaw was tense as he stared at Tara with anger burning in his blue eyes.

"You really believe every word your mother speaks." Tara scoffed as she shook her head. "How do you know she's not lying to you? You know she's never liked me or wanted us together." Tara was trying her best to turn this conversation back onto Gemma and the older woman's hate for her. Maybe she could convince Jax that she was pregnant and Gemma was just scheming like usual.

Jax could feel the anger in his body boiling over as Tara spoke. She was trying her best to manipulate him even more and it honestly pathetic to see the woman he once loved so much act like this, but maybe this was the real Tara and he had always been too blind to see it.

"Stop fucking lying, Tara! My mother is a lot things but she wouldn't lie about this! So start telling me the fucking truth!" The blonde biker demanded as his voice grew louder with each word that left his lips.

A shiver ran through Tara's body at Jax's voice. Her mouth opened and closed a few times as she tried to find the words to say, to finally tell the truth.

"I didn't plan on doing this, and that is the truth. When you told me you slept with Shay," The Miller's woman name dripping from her lips like poison. "I knew I was losing you. The words left my mouth before I could even process what I was saying." Tara sighed as she looked at Jax's tense face.

"I couldn't lose you to Shay of all fucking people! You've always been in love with her, but you both tell each other you're just friends." A bitter laugh fell from her lips. "I mean, just friends is ridiculous. You two have a fucking kid together and have the balls to say 'we're just friends'  I thought with her being with Ben that we'd be okay. I was so fucking wrong." The brunette shook her head in anger.

"You fucking cheated on me, Jax. Did I fuck up by lying about being pregnant? Of course I did but I didn't fuck someone else. Maybe in some way I was giving you a taste of your own medicine. You hurt me so I was hurting you back."

Jax stood there taking in Tara's words. There were so many emotions running through his mind right now though the biggest one had to be relief. Relieved that he wasn't stuck with Tara and a child he didn't want.

"Don't come around me or my family anymore. I don't want to see your face again." Jax's tone was firm as he turned his back on Tara for good, walking out of her house for the last time.

The door slammed behind Jax as he stepped outside, the sigh of relief he had been holding in finally leaving his mouth.


shorter chapter. Sorry it took me so long I had half of this written sitting in my drafts but work and stuff just came up.

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