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IT WAS SHAY'S LAST DAY IN TACOMA, and while last night had been fun, today was going to be even better

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IT WAS SHAY'S LAST DAY IN TACOMA, and while last night had been fun, today was going to be even better. Natalie had planned a trip to the aquarium just the three of them. Of course neither sister would have cared if Kozik came too, but he had club business to handle so it was a Natalie, Shay, and Leela day.

A small headache formed at Shay's temples as a groan left her dry mouth. The morning after drinking always made Shay feel like shit along with  a bit of regret for drinking to begin with. She knew she shouldn't have regrets about having some fun once in a while — it wasn't like she drank every night. Plus, she knew Leela had been perfectly safe with Natalie.

Shay was grateful to see that she had woken up in bed alone and completely dressed. The alcohol in her system had turned her into a flirt last night and she knew Quinn was her target last night. There was already so much relationship drama going on her life she didn't need to add anymore to it by sleeping with Quinn.

The brunette slowly sat up in the bed, running a hand through her tangled hair before sending a quick text to Natalie to let her know she'd be leaving the clubhouse soon. A large cup of coffee and a shower was much needed before she spend hours walking around the crowded aquarium. Shay didn't think it would be wise to show up to such a family friendly place smelling like alcohol, smoke, and other things that would make people give her judgmental looks.

Shay ran another hand through her messy hair before sliding her feet into her shoes. She stood up from the bed, steadying herself before exiting the small room.

"Sleeping beauty is awake." Lee teased with a laugh once Shay stepped into the front of the clubhouse. "How's tequila Shay feeling this morning?" He asked causing Kozik and Quinn to laugh.

Shay rolled her eyes as she grabbed the cup of coffee that was sitting in front of Kozik and took a large sip of it.

"Sure, go ahead and help yourself to my coffee." Kozik's tone was full of sarcasm as he rolled his eyes at Shay.

"Thanks, Koz." Shay grinned as she finished the rest of the dark liquid in one large gulp. "And for your information Lee," She said turning her attention back onto Tacoma's President. "Tequila Shay feels great you know minus a small headache and waking up in that thing you call a bed. What is it with all of you Sons and getting shit beds for the dorms?"

It didn't matter what charter clubhouse Shay had stayed in all of their beds were the same. They all felt like sleeping on concrete. She understood not every clubhouse had a Gemma, and not every president had an old lady to give the clubhouse some sort of charm to it, but for fuck sakes was it really so hard to pick a decent bed?

"You could of roomed with Quinn. I hear he has the nicest bed." Lee smirked as he raised an eyebrow at the brunette.

Of course everyone had seen the flirting between Shay and Quinn last night. You'd have to be blind not to have. It wasn't anyone's business to say a word to Jax because Shay wasn't his old lady. If the SAMCRO princess wanted to flirt with someone else she could. Shay didn't wear anyone's crow.

Shay let out a sarcastic laugh as she scratched at her forehead. "Lee, shut up. Don't make me get arrested on my last day here." She warned while briefly looking over at Quinn with a smile.

"Alright, alright." Lee laugh as he held his hands up in surrender. "It was good seeing you, Shay." He spoke in a genuine tone as he pulled her into a hug. "We miss seeing you around here." He added before breaking the hug.

Shay nodded as she gave Lee a small smile. "I miss you guys too. I'll try and come around more." She promised.

Shay always hated saying goodbye. She hated how short her visits to Tacoma were and how less frequent her visits had become since she became a mother.

"I'll walk you out." Quinn said, speaking for the first time since Shay entered the room.

The Miller woman nodded at the towering man with a smile before saying her goodbyes, letting Kozik know she'd see him back at the house later.

IT WAS A SURPRISINGLY SUNNY day in Tacoma as Shay and Quinn exited the clubhouse. They walked in silence towards her car. She wasn't sure why he had decided to walk her out, but she didn't mind it.

"Thanks for walking me out." Shay thanked with a smile as she leaned against her car.

"No problem." Quinn nodded with a small smile. "About last night..." He began as he stared into Shays blue eyes.

"I acted like a fool." Shay said, cutting him off. "I shouldn't have been so forward with you. I feel like an ass." She admitted while scratching at her forehead.

Shay could feel anxiety building up in her body as Quinn stared at her. She could feel her leg moving up and down as she waited for Quinn's response.

"You didn't act like a fool. I liked that you were forward. I like you, Shay." He said while placing a piece of her dark hair behind her hair. "But, I know you got a lot of shit going on with Jax and the cop, and I don't want to add anymore shit to your life. I just want you to know if you ever find yourself done with that bullshit just give me a call." He placed a kiss on her cheek before walking back towards the clubhouse, leaving Shay with a smile on her face.


THE AQUARIUM HAD TAKEN IT'S TOLL ON BOTH OF THE MILLER SISTERS. While it had been a nice time and they all enjoyed themselves — especially Leela. It had been very hectic and crowded with lots of families and children running around everywhere.

"I can't believe you're leaving already." Natalie said as she sat next to Shay on the couch, a smile on her face as she watched her younger sister rub Leela's head.

"I know. It always goes by too fast." Shay nodded as sadness creeped into her tone. "I don't know what I'm going to do when I get back home." She said with a sigh. "There's so much shit going on that I don't even want to deal with it to be honest."

Just the thought of dealing all of the shit with Jax, Tara, and Ben made Shay exhausted. She honestly wished it would all go away if she ignored it, but she knew that wasn't possible. Shay had to deal with it sooner or later.

"You'll figure it out. You always do." Natalie reassured her in a gentle tone. "And if anything you can say fuck it all and move here and marry Quinn and have his babies." The older Miller sister laughed.

Shay let out a laugh as she shook her head. "That might not be a bad option." She said while looking down at sleeping Leela with a smile on her face.

She had to remind herself why she was putting up with all of this bullshit. It was for Leela. Her daughter needed her father in her life and some sense of normalcy in a otherwise fucked up world. Leela was her whole reason for being. Shay Miller would do anything for her daughter.


Next chapter will have Jax and more Tara drama. Thank you for all of the votes and comments !

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