The Escape

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"Kira" I whispered. "Kira, wake up"

"ughhhhhh" She groaned and finally got moving out of her bed. "Why are so happy?" She asked

"What can I not be happy just living my life?" I asked

"Not when your life is a living hell, Kate. Not when life is a living hell." she replied

I did feel happy inside and all I had to do was make it through a few more hours and I would be out of this living hell or dead. Neither of those sound too bad, it can't get much worse than a work house. 

I made it through the first half of the day, it helped to know that I would see Toby again later. Finally the afternoon came and I could feel myself about to jump out of my skin. I was excited. It was one way to get my adrenaline pumping, and I don't think I have felt many emotions through the years.

finally the sun set. I was't feeling to good anymore. Did I really want to leave Kira behind to make this child's life a little better. I decided to say goodbye to Kira without telling her where I was going or even the fact I was going to attempt to leave.

"Kira" I said in a soft tone

"What?" She replied mimicking my tone

" I just wanted to tell you something," 

"What?" she replied as she finally looked at me

'I wanted to tell you that you are like a sister to me. You are my best friend and you have been there for me for 16 years. I never want anything to happen to you. Without you in my life, I wouldn't have made it this far. You are the reason I manage to wake up in the mornings and am able to roll out of bed." I started to tear up and she gave me a hug. I stared right into her deep brown eyes as I tried to tell her that I loved her more than anything, but I couldn't get the words out. Though from the look in her eyes I could tell she got my message.

"I love you too" she said in a gentle voice. For once I could tell she truly meant the words coming out of her mouth.

As night came near I felt more panicked. Is this really happening I thought, but before I had time to fully think it through, I had to go. I began creeping down the hall away from any body who was sleeping, or at least trying to sleep. I finally made it to the room where Toby slept. He slept so peacefully, I had to be very gentle when lifting him.

I crept my way back towards my bed and near the gate. It was a very chilly night with some cold rain, but I wasn't going to let some weather stop me from getting to freedom with this boy. I managed to slip myself through the bars of the gate, after all the bars were fairly far apart. I barely made it through the gate when I heard a loud masculine voice shout.

"Hey! Stop what you're doing!" I froze and hid behind the wall next to the gate that I had just slipped through. I shut my eyes and prayed that I had imagined the voice. I heard footsteps coming from the inside of the workhouse. Loud footsteps getting closer and closer, then a light shone through the gate. I stood trembling with my legs shaking and holding onto Toby as tightly as I could. Then I heard another voice.

"Must've been those damn raccoons again." The footsteps walked away and I let out a sigh of relief. I still haven't been caught I thought to myself. I began walking my way into wherever I was, I'm not quite sure. I never cared to ask. I had walked what felt like at least a few miles, when the rain began to beat down on me harder. Toby began to cry, and I was just miserable.

I finally made it into a city and I saw many buildings and few people out. One door caught my attention. It was colorful and the door was open. The sign read come in and you are guaranteed to be served by the best barber in town. I decided to walk in and I closed the door gently behind me. The light was on but no one in sight. There were only a few mirrors and a big chair. I decided this was the only shelter I would be able to get so I sat down and instantly fell asleep.

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