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We have been here for about three weeks. I've stared to feel more attracted to Davy and I think Mrs. Lovett has started to pick up on that. I spend most of my time with Lucy, Eleanor and Tobias. Lucy sometimes brings Johanna with her. I only truly get to talk to Davy at night, but I enjoy every second we spend together.

I woke up at my usual time Davy had already gone upstairs. I got ready putting on my corset and dress that Davy bought at the market for me. I picked up Tobias and brought him with me into the parlor where Lucy and Eleanor were already seated at a booth.

"Good Morning!" Eleanor said.

"Good Morning Mrs. Lovett" I said placing Toby down in a highchair.

"Lucy and I've been thinking" Mrs. Lovett said.

"About what?" I asked

"Well, we think that we all haven't been properly introduced, like we had hoped. Mrs. Lovett and I think we should have ourselves a little party, just the six of us." Lucy said with a hopeful smile on her face.

"I think that would be nice" I said. I really hadn't talked to Benjamin or Albert, it would be nice to get to know them since I think Davy and I will be here for a while.

"Great!" Mrs. Lovett said.

"Kate, why don't we go upstairs to tell Davy and Benjamin. I think it would be nice for you to see the upstairs, and I could show you around." Lucy said

"Alright" I agreed. I've wondered what it looks like up there and I will get to see Davy. Lucy showed me upstairs and we came to the door. When we opened the door we walked into a bright room with yellow wallpaper. There was a barber's chair, a crib and a dresser with a mirror. I looked over and saw Benjamin holding Johanna, but Davy didn't seem to be here.

"Where's Davy?" I asked.

"He went out on an errand. He should be back soon." Benjamin replied.

"I told Kate that I would show her around the upstairs!" Lucy said cheerily.

"There isn't much to see" Benjamin said.

"Of course there is" Lucy replied. Lucy showed me around, and Benjamin was right there wasn't a lot to see. But Lucy and Benjamin had made the most of what they had. Benjamin followed us around because he had no customers. It was nice to get to talk to Benjamin because he works all day with Davy.

"Lucy!" Mrs. Lovett called from downstairs.

"I better go see what she needs. Kate, I will be right back up to finish our tour" Lucy said. Lucy quickly left and rushed down the stairs. Benjamin and I stood there for a minute, we had nothing to talk about anymore.

Suddenly Benjamin grabbed my wrist and pulled me over to him.

"Wha-" I was interrupted by Benjamin's lips meeting mine. Why does something so wrong feel so right. Then he pushed me away. What just happened? Why didn't I fight him? I'm in love with Davy not Benjamin. Besides he's married with a daughter. But why did I enjoy that?

"Alright sorry about that." Lucy said as she walked into the room. "I hope you two got along well"

"Perfectly" Benjamin said without hesitation.

"Good!" Lucy said. We finished our tour of the upstairs, and I made sure to stay far away from Benjamin.


It was around 6:30pm so I began to get ready for our get together tonight.

"Hello Darling," Davy said as he came in the door.

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