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As night fell near my thoughts didn't leave. What had I witnessed? It was nearing 8pm and I awaited the arrival of the girl. I sat at one of the booths and made sure to be completely sober and tried my hardest to resist the gin  that sat in front of me. I watched as Mrs. Lovett went back and forth from the bakehouse to the customers. I don't know how she puts up with them. Each one was as rude as the last.

"You can't sit there all night, love. I could use your help." Mrs. Lovett put her hands on her hips as she looked at me with her tired eyes. I clenched my jaw as to not explode at her, but her glare wouldn't leave.

"Hey, can I get some service!" one of her customers called. She let out a sigh as she dropped her arms. She finally left and went to serve the man.

After a few more minutes of tired glares from Mrs. Lovett and Toby no longer acknowledging my existence, I finally spotted the girl. She walked quickly through the customers and had listened to what I had told her about not looking at any of the customers. Upon closer examination I spotted a small scrap of paper in her hand.

"Hello ma'am" She started. She sounded like she had practiced this.

"Hello darling" I said, but I wasn't buying this for a minute.

She peaked at the paper in her pocket, and that's when it hit me. The person who sent her here, had told her to read off of a script. I couldn't tell you why, but I did know the man that she had pointed to, the tall man, with grey hair, and a clean and shaved chin.

"Where is your guardian?" I asked. Her eyes widened. I could tell she was internally panicking. That was a question that wasn't on her script. "Where is he?" I said sternly this time. She finally gave in and pointed to the man. "Stay here. If anyone asks tell them I told you to be here. What is your name darling"

"Bethany" She said quietly.

"Thank you. Don't let anyone near you except that woman." I pointed to Mrs. Lovett, I'm not sure why, but maybe she would take pity on this young girl. "Understand?" She nodded.

I made my way over to a group of chatting men, and cleared my throat to make my presence known.

The man that Bethany said to be her guardian looked at me, and raised an eyebrow, "Hello there madam" He said as he took my hand and kissed my knuckles. I shivered at his horrid words spilling from his mouth.

"Hello Mr. Collins" He looked back up at me.

"Kate! My, you have grown into quite the fine young woman, I almost couldn't recognize you" His eyes exploring me  was disgusting. "where is your husband, I've been meaning to talk to him?"

"My husband?"

"Yes, Davy. Where is he?" He asked while looking behind me.

"I'm not married" he looked back at me. I couldn't tell what was going through his head, but I didn't like it,

"You're not?" He seemed confused, like he had made plans with Davy and somehow they didn't work.

"Davy left me" I put on a show. I put my hand on my chest and began to act as if I were crying.

"You're lying." He said as grabbed my wrist, and looked deep into my eyes."He swore once he left he would marry you to give me a grandchild, an apprentice." Davy was using me? No, that couldn't be possible. I poured my heart out for him, for Davy. I thought he loved me. Was I that stupid, could I have possibly been that blind? He saw me only as a girl who can bear children.  "Where is he?"

"I told you he left me."

He pulled my arm forward and tightened his grip making me uncomfortably close to him, "You're lying, and you will pay for it.  You owe me your life, Kate. You are only alive because I took you in and gave you shelter, food and water" 

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