186 Fleet Street

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We began walking through the cold streets of London until we came across the gloomy sight of Mrs. Lovett's meat pie emporium. It wasn't like it used to be. It looked dark, not bright as it was years ago. We walked around the shop to find Mrs. Lovett leaving the house of Benjamin and Lucy. I found it quite odd. Mrs. Lovett only visited upstairs to tell that a meal was ready for Lucy and Benjamin, and I guess now Johanna.

Mrs. Lovett stopped in front of Adolfo and I was in too much shock that Adolfo would bring me back here after all the things that happened. Even after all these years I still felt it was a sensitive topic.

"You wouldn't mind if I gave the lad a pie" she asked.

"Si, si, si whatever you want." He replied.

" come along then, your teeth are strong I hope." She said as she led Toby into the pie shop.

"What are you doing?" I asked Adolfo.

"Stay with the boy." He said as he pushed me out of the way.

I walked into the shop and found Toby eating one of Mrs.Lovett's meat pies. I sat next to Toby and observed Mrs. Lovett who seemed so busy with her with work.

"So how's you end up with that dreadful Italian?" She asked. I knew she didn't know who I was nor Adolfo.

Toby tried to answer when I quickly covered his mouth, "My husband, we met at a dance. This is my son Toby" Toby looked confused. He knew I was lying, but didn't know why. I didn't want her to know who I was. I didn't want any problems with Mrs. Lovett. Eleanor looked at me with a face of recognition like she was searching my soul for something she knew.

We heard some noises. They were large thuds against the floor. I looked at the ceiling then turned my attention to Mrs. Lovett who slammed down her bowl to distract us.

"My, my, my always work to be done. Spick and span that's my motto" she said. Toby continued to eat his pie while I watched Mrs. Lovett busy at work. It amazed me how this place had been so full of life and now it's so gloomy.

"Oh, God!" Toby yelled. "He's got an appointment with his tailor. If he's late he'll blame me!" The boy began running up the stairs.

"Wait!" Mrs.Lovett yelled at him. But that didn't stop the boy. I looked at Mrs. Lovett then looked back outside before I decided to follow him upstairs and get him to leave the men alone.

Toby had rudely barged into the barber shop and I had no choice but to follow his lead.

"Toby!" I yelled.  I looked around the room of the shop I had once entered with Lucy. It was much like the meat pie emporium, dark but was once lively.

I looked at the man who stood there with his warm tea. "I'm terribly sorry. I did not raise him to be like this" The barber ignored me keeping his attention on the young boy that sat on the chest in front of him.

"Wouldn't you like a nice meat pie. I'm sure Mrs. Lovett has one waiting downstairs for you." Mr. Todd said with an evil grin on his lips. If the boy hadn't been there I surely would've run out. I couldn't help but let my eyes wander around the room. Then I saw it. Mr. Todd knew I'd seen it. I looked at the man then turned my attention to Toby while out of the corner of my eye I could see the limp, practically lifeless hand hanging out of the chest.

"Toby, dear. Why don't you go down stairs and have another meat pie." I said trying to remain as calm as I could.

"But Pir-"

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