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I stood and wondered, just for a moment. The room was dark and quiet.

I was alone.

My imagination, my mind, my inner lunatic didn't fail to mess with me. Many people gathered around. All of them dead. They were chatting as if they'd never talked to someone in their life. Among them were Benjamin Barker, Davy Collins, Adolfo and Mr. Collins.

I couldn't understand.

I wouldn't have known they were dead if they didn't all share a common slit on their throat. Except two. Two familiar men. Benjamin Barker and Davy Collins. Who were these dead men gathered around me. Was it who I had killed? And who Mr. Todd had killed? But that was impossible- there were too many of them.

Suddenly I felt cold, brittle fingers grip my wrist. I pulled my arm up quickly causing no noise, no sound simply a small wind that came from the movement. The only thing they could have seen was my hand move quickly, but that was enough. The room went dead silent (ironic isn't it). They all turned their heads to me.

Were they mad?

I didn't want to stay around long enough to find out. I backed up and I ran into Davy. His brittle fingers gripped my shoulders. His cold, lifeless breath whispered in my ear. "Why did you do it?"




I didn't. I never did anything. I ran towards the door. I struggled before opening it and running out into the world. The streets were empty. The rain had just begun.

I kept walking through the night. I didn't know where I was going, but that was a problem for later. The rain began to pick up, and a flash of lightning painted the sky. Davy's voice rang through my ears
'Why did you do it'. I began running through the rain as a down pour began.


Thunder roared through the skies as my feet fumbled through puddles. The sounds that would usually calm me made my mind scramble. As I kept running the sound of the thunder grew. While I was running I didn't look up. I had simply assumed there was no one out and if I ran into a building I wouldn't care. I ran into someone, falling back and landing in a puddle soaking my dress further. I looked up to see I had run into Mrs. Lovett.

"What are you doing, Kate? Where are you going?"

"I don't know. Please just let me go!"

"Kate I can't let you go with a good conscious. You'll go out and get yourself killed!"

"Please Mrs. Lovett." I begged

"Toby, go home and tell Mr. Todd that I'm out with Kate" Mrs. Lovett said. Where were we going?"

Toby ran off, then Mrs. Lovett picked me up. She grabbed my hand and dragged me around like a child. We walked for a few minutes before turning down a dark alley way.

"Kate, I don't know what the hell has gotten into ya! What do you want be to do so that you stop seeing 'Davy'? I worry Kate, I really do" Mrs. Lovett shook her head trying to refrain from crying. "Love, I care about you an I would never forgive myself if I found you dead and-"


We both looked up. Nothing. I looked back at Mrs. Lovett who looked just as shaken as I was. the rain had seemed to cease. We glanced at each other, and I could tell her mind was racing as fast as mine.

"What was that?" I asked quietly.

"I don't know" She whispered back. Mrs. Lovett turned back to see if there was anything behind us, then she took my hand and started leading me out of the alley way.

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