You've Gone Mad

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"Dear come on" Mrs.Lovett said. "Take off your dress, I'll help you." I began trying to step out of my dress. "Take off that corset off it won't do you any good." I carefully took it off trying not to hurt myself further.

Mrs. Lovett gasped. "What the hell happened to you?!? You've got slashes and blood everywhere!?!" I got in the basin and the water immediately turned maroon.

"We can talk about it later" I said and with that Mrs.Lovett excused herself. I felt the warmth of the water instantly relax me. My thoughts disappeared into thin air. It was a bit odd to see the water mixed with blood, but it was nice to relax and leave the world for a while.

"Why did you do it?" I shrieked at the sound of someone in the bathroom with me. It wasn't just someone, it was Davy. I was screaming hysterically until Mrs. Lovett practically broke down the door.

"What!?!? What happened." Mrs Lovett asked. Tears were streaming like rivers from eyes.

"H-h-him" I lifted my arm and pointed at Davy while the tears didn't seem to cease.

"Who?" She asked. Was she blind? Davy was standing right next to her.

"They can't see me darling." Davy said.

"DAVY, DAVY COLLINS, HE IS STANDING RIGHT THERE!!!." I yelled. She looked at me with a worried look, how could she not see him?

"Kate" she began quietly, "there's no one here except you and me. Would you like me to stay with you?" She placed her hand on my shoulder. The last thing I wanted to do was be left alone with Davy, so I nodded my head yes.

"Why don't you tell me about Davy." She said calmly kneeling by the basin.

"Yes Kate, why don't you tell us about me" he grinned.

"He's been following me, he's been talking to me, he's even here right now, look right there." I pointed to the exact spot that Davy was looking down at me.

"Kate, there's no one there"

"Mrs.Lovett, please you have to believe me. He's dead, but he's standing right there. I don't know how it's possible, but he even knows I killed him. He knows everything. Please I'm not crazy he won't leave me alone. He always comes with me. Please, believe me."

"I think we've had enough bath times for a while." She said as she stood up. "Come on." She grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the crimson water. She handed me a towel that I wrapped around myself. I stepped out of the basin and on the floor. Mrs. Lovett dragged me into the pie shop and propped me up at one of the booths.

"Here ya are love." She said handing me a bit of gin. Davy sat down across from me.

Mr. Todd walked through the door, "evening mister T, how about you sit down across from Kate, I think we have something we need to discuss" Mrs. Lovett said. I tightened the towel around my body to ensure Mr.Todd didn't see anything he wasn't supposed to.

Mr.Todd walked over to the booth I was seated at and gave me an odd look. I'm not the crazy one, they are.

Mr.Todd dropped himself on top of Davy, but Davy disappeared just as Mr. Todd took a seat.  "Kate, you seemed frightened is everything alright? Is someone after you?" Mrs. Lovett asked, I could see the concern in her eyes.

"Davy, he's" I let out a blood curdling shriek as I saw him sitting there right next to me. I leaped out of my chair onto the ground. I started shaking and trembling. How did he move, he is gone one second then right next to me the next?

"Kate!" Mrs.Lovett yelled. "What has gotten into ya?"

"HE'S THERE HE IS RIGHT THERE!!! Can't you see him?" I was desperately trying to get someone to agree with me. They both just looked at me. Mrs. Lovett came behind me and lifted me up by my underarms.

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