My New Life

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Everyday feels the same at this point I wake up, feed the baby, go to work (I am a waitress now at a restaurant nearby), come home, do all of the housework, get yelled at for being late by Mister Collins, I feed the baby then go to bed.

This morning I woke up to a pleasant surprise. It is a Saturday. Thank God. I woke up and saw Davy waiting for me to come sit with him for breakfast since Mister Collins had a customer.

I had gotten lost in my thought about how he was perfect in every way when he finally said, "I apologize for my father's behavior. I think he is looking for another worker, and something tells me he wasn't expecting a young girl and a baby," He chuckled a bit, and I smiled at him.

"You really aren't one for talking are you?" He asked.

"Not when I'm Hungry." I replied and giggled

"What makes you want to stay here anyways. There is a huge world waiting for you, and you would rather be here in me and my father's shop?" He asked

"If I were to leave where would I go? I have no life out there. The only life I know is in the workhouse." I replied

"So there is no where in the world that you would want to go?" He asked a bit surprised.

"Well, I've heard of a place called London. It sounds marvelous. How about you?" I asked even though I knew I probably wouldn't know the place he was talking about.

"I think London would be nice. Its a wonderful little city."

"Davy" Mister Collins Called.

"I better go before my dad gets mad" Davy said as he cleaned his dishes.

I decided to also stand up and wash my dishes and I began to walk out of the kitchen when I heard some arguing from the parlor.

"Her week is up" Mister Collins said.

"And I think she has well exceeded your expectation" Davy said.

"I think not. That girl will stay, but she will work all day and all night. She is now our personal servant." Mister Collins said.

"Dad! This poor girl has no where to go and she is stuck with a child. What do you expect her to do! She can not work all the time she is a human being just like us!" Davy said

Mister Collins wasn't going to listen to his son this time. "Kate! Get in here now!"

"Yes, Mister Collins" I said in a cheery voice

"You have failed my expectations" I felt a harsh hand go across my cheek as it hit me to the floor. "You are to be our servant now, and if you fail at that I see no reason to keep you and the baby around" His hard boot kicked my side as I fell back on the floor. Mister Collins then walked out of the room as Davy stood there before helping me up.

"You don't deserve this. That man has lost his mind. You shouldn't be treated like this especially since you came from the workhouse." he whispered

"Thank you" I said

" I am going to come up with a plan" He said

"For what?" I asked

"We are going to go to London" He replied.

"We can't go to London we don't have Jobs or money and I will not leave the baby here. There is no way we can make it in London." I said

"We can sure try"

"You've lost your mind if you think I am going to g-" before I could finish my sentence he pulled me close to him and kissed me. Am I dreaming? Is this really happening?

"Kate, listen to me. Tomorrow night. Meet me outside with your things and the baby. We are going to find our way to London" he said. Before I could say anything he left into the other room.

What the hell was that? He just kissed me? And tomorrow I am moving to London with a baby that I have had for only a week and a boy I've known for a week?

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