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The Day passed by quickly as Davy and I sneakily packed up our belongings. Finally night came around and Mister Collins was not home. We decided it was the best time to leave. I grabbed Toby and a small bag of things that I owned. Davy had a slightly bigger bag with some razors and extra clothes, so that he could begin as a barber in London.

We rushed out the back door and made our way to the railroad track just in time. We slung our bags on the train then I hoisted Toby and I up. I then grabbed Davy's hand to help him into the car. It was late and we knew we'd be there for at least a couple of days.

"Why don't you and the baby get some rest." Davy said

"There's no where soft to lay, there is no way we will be able to sleep" I replied

"Come here my bag ought to be soft. Here you go." He said. I laid my head on his bag and held Toby in my arms. I fell asleep instantly.

The next morning I woke up to find Davy asleep. He looked so peaceful I didn't dare try to wake him. About an hour later Toby started to get a bit fussy, and I tried everything I could to calm him down. But Davy woke up anyway.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." I said apologetically

"It's fine darling" He replied

"How long do you think we will be on this train"  

"No more than 2 hours more. Why don't you get some rest, you look awful tired"  he said

I wanted to fight back but I knew he was right. I snuggled up on his chest, probably the most comfortable place in the car, and he played with my hair a little until I fell asleep. 

The train car came to a sudden halt which woke me.

"We're here darling!" Davy said in an excited voice. I smiled up at him. We collected our belongings and Toby and hoped off the train.

"Wow" I gasped. "I love it, but where are we to stay"

"Don't worry about that, I have already found a hiring barber. I will be his apprentice. Come along dear we must meet this barber before someone else takes the job."

I nodded my head. He dragged me through the city, because I couldn't keep my eyes on the road ahead of my feet. We stopped at a building that had a sign on it that read Mrs. Lovett's Meat Pie Emporium. 

"Are you sure this is the right place? This is a meat pie emporium." I asked

"Yes I'm sure the barber must be upstairs."

"Alright then" I said in a doubtful voice

We entered the meat pie emporium, there was a young woman. couldn't have been more than a few years older than us.

"Hello ma'am" Davy introduced himself and me "I am Davy Collins, this is my girlfriend Kate and I am here to apply for the barber's apprentice job. 

"Ah, yes. A pleasure to meet both of you. I am Mrs. Lovett my husband is the land owner, I run the meet shop and the barber is waiting for you upstairs Mr. Collins." I watched as Davy walked up the stairs and I wished him good luck.

Mrs. Lovett sat down in one of the booths in the parlor and motioned me to sit across from her. "Hello Dearie, what brings you to London?" Mrs.Lovett asked.

"Oh, I came from a workhouse and I ended up at Davy's house as my escape, but his father was becoming too controlling so we left and we just arrived in London a few minutes ago." I answered. 

"Is this yours and his son?" Mrs. Lovett asked referring to Toby. She honestly looked a bit concerned.

"Oh, no. This is the baby that I took from the workhouse to give him a better life than I had. But he is the closest thing I have to a son." I answered. Suddenly the door to the meat pie emporium opened. A beautiful young woman opened the door. She had beautiful blond hair and beautiful eyes, she was holding a darling little baby girl.

"Oh! So sorry to interrupt, but may I sit with you? I would like to get to know you a little bit because I think Mr. Collins is going to be hired!" The woman exclaimed in an excited voice. I explained my story and how Davy and I got here. Mrs. Lovett and the woman seemed so interested in what I had to say. 

Once I had finished my story the woman stood up and said. "What a story! Well I better go check on my husband. It was a pleasure to meet you miss-"

"You can just call me Kate" I interrupted

"Well it was nice to meet you Kate, I am Lucy Barker and upstairs is my husband, the barber, Benjamin Barker." Lucy then walked off upstairs to her husband.

"Well I think even if Mr.Collins does not get the job, you need a room and a place to stay. Follow me." Mrs. Lovett said in a somewhat cheery voice.

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