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Mrs. Lovett showed me to my room.

"It's not a lot but it'll do." Mr. Lovett said with a sigh. The room contained a large bed in the center of the room. There was a mirror on one side of the bed with a dresser under it. On the other side of the room there was a crib that would be perfect for Tobias to sleep in.

"Thank you! Its perfect!" I said excitedly

"I'll give ya some time to get settled and I'll come back to get you for dinner." Mrs. Lovett said before walking out of the room and shutting the door behind her. I quickly un packed my things and laid Tobias down in the center of the bed. Once I had finished I picked up Toby and sat on the bed with him in my arms.

I looked into his ocean blue eyes and said, "Here is where our better life starts." Even though I knew he couldn't understand anything that is happening.

I laid down on the bed with my knees bending over the edge of the bed. The quietness was so soothing. I don't think I have been in such a calming environment. I saw Tobias lying peacefully on my stomach and I truly felt like a mother. My eyelids gently draped over my eyes and I felt myself relax into sleep.

I heard the door creek open, but I felt too tired to open my eyes and see who it was. I heard light footsteps slowly making their way over to the bed that I was laying on. I felt Tobias lifted off of me and heard the footsteps walk over and put him in the crib. The footsteps came back over to me and I felt the bed sink slightly as if someone had put their hand next to my side. I felt another hand put pressure on the bed on the other side of me.

I laid there still too tired to attempt to open my eyes. I felt the warmth of the person standing over me as the they leaned down and placed a kiss on my neck. I knew who it was, but decided to crack my eyes open so he knew I was awake. He looked into my eyes and I smiled. The feeling of him over me felt so comforting. He leaned down again pressing his warm, soft lips into mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck so he wouldn't stop. He buried his hand in my chocolate brown hair as he leaned in closer. I could feel his hand exploring the side of my body.

He broke away from the kiss and I felt slight disappointment. I never wanted him to stop.

I felt his warm breath on my ear and he whispered, "I got the job" before I had the chance to say anything he pressed his lips back into mine. Everything left my mind except for him. I let out a small moan and he clenched my waist tighter with his grip.

"Dinner is almost re-!" Mrs.Lovett came barging into the room. "Oh" Her eyes widened as she saw what had been taking place. I looked at Eleanor then turned my attention to Davy who looked like he was about to strangle her for interrupting.

"No." I said quietly trying to hold back Davy. "We'll be at dinner in a few minutes, thank you Mrs.Lovett"

Before Davy looked back at me, I slipped from his grip and walked over to the mirror to fix my hair. I could see his reflection staring at me in the mirror, but I didn't mind.

"Is the barber a nice man?" I asked trying to start a conversation.

"Yes" He replied. " It seems like the couples here are very nice"

"Have you met everyone?" I asked.

"I haven't met the landlord, but I bet we'll meet him at dinner." he said. I could tell he still wasn't too happy that Eleanor had interrupted.

"Alright. Are you ready to go to dinner?" I asked

"Yes." He said walking over to me. He took my hand and brought me into the dinning room where there were six seats around a table.

"You can have a seat!" Mrs. Lovett shouted from the kitchen. Davy pulled out my chair and I sat down. He sat down in the chair next to me. Lucy walked in with her husband. Lucy sat next to me and her husband on the other side of her.

"Just a few more minutes and dinner will be ready." Mrs. Lovett said sounding exhausted.

"Will Albert be joining us tonight, it would be nice for him to meet the new residents? Lucy asked.

"I'm not sure. I haven't seen him all day." Mrs.Lovett replied. she turned around and quickly headed back to the kitchen. we all sat there for a moment in silence.

"Oh, how rude of me" Lucy said. "Kate, This is my husband Benjamin. Benjamin this is your apprentice's girlfriend Kate."

"Pleasure to meet you Kate." Benjamin said.

" How are you adjusting to the move?" Lucy asked.

"It's nice. It doesn't take a lot to beat everywhere else I've lived." I said. Lucy and Davy chuckled a bit a Benjamin sat there confused.

" Here we are!" Mrs. Lovett said placing down a well cooked chicken.

"It looks delicious!" Lucy said.

"Thank you Mrs. Lovett." I said. We had a nice dinner with chatting and laughter.

After a couple of hours the door slammed open, "Albert!" Mrs. Lovett said happily and ran over to give him a kiss. He looked around the room before settling his eyes on me and Davy. I looked down from the man, he didn't look especially friendly.

"Who are you?" Albert asked towards Davy and I.

"These are the new residents." Mrs.Lovett said. " This is Davy Collins who is Benjamin's apprentice. And Kate who is Davy's girlfriend." Albert examined Davy and I. "They also have a baby named Tobias." Mrs.Lovett explained.

" A baby? God knows we don't need another baby. And besides you look too young to be a mother. Eleanor I'm not sure I like having them here" Albert said disapprovingly.

" Sir I'm terribly sorry" I said " You're correct it's not my baby nor his. He was abandoned and I took him in as if he were my own. But if we are too much of a trouble we can leave."Albert glared at me.

" Albert they really should stay. Where would they go? They're a young couple" Mrs. Lovett said.

"And Davy is a hell of a good worker" Benjamin butted in.

"Fine" Albert finally agreed annoyed.

"Thank you sir. We will try not to cause much trouble" I said

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