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"Dear go give this to Mr. T" Mrs. Lovett said handing me a plate of food meant for Mr. Todd's dinner. I got up from the booth and walked over to Mrs. Lovett. "Watch out though, he might be in one of his moods."

"That's why you're sending me up?" I asked as I took the tray.

"Can't have him hating the land lady now can I?" She smirked. "Now run along. The longer you wait the more of an episode he might be having." I rolled my eyes and took the tray out of her hands.

As I walked up the stairs I noticed the chips in the paint throughout the railing. When I saw the door of the cruel man I gulped and tried to delay my entry as long as possible. I lightly rapped my knuckles against the dark brown wooden door.

"Come in." He said. And I slowly creaked the door open. My eyes met the back of Mr. Todd. He was glaring out the window, probably tormenting every soul that dared to look up at him.

I began my hopefully short encounter with the demon "M-Mrs. L- L- Lovett"  I stuttered. He was still my worst nightmare, even more so now that he had intimidated me.

"Spit it out woman!" He shouted. I nearly jumped out of my skin.

"H-Here's your dinner" I chocked out. He merely glanced at it then turned his gaze back to the window. That frustrated me. He was acting like a school boy ignoring his mum.

"You should at least thank Mrs.Lovett for the trouble she went through making this for you." I said softly as I began turning back.

"And you shouldn't have killed Adolfo, but here we are." He said calmly back.

"You killed Adolfo!" I shouted. He only chuckled. "Is something funny?" I asked annoyed at him.

"You ought to know how to control your temper Kate." he said. I began storming out. I was sick of him, but before I could make it through the door I stopped in my tracks. Maybe I could get to his weakness. Maybe I could find a way to torment him.

"Mr. Todd?" I called softly.

"What?" He asked in his gruff voice.

"Why do you hate Turpin?" I asked. He paused and kept his gaze set on the floor.

"How do you know?"

"Mrs. Lovett let it slip that you wouldn't stop thinking about him. She said you would never forgive him." I watched Mr. Todd's attention turn to the window, but maybe I could get him to tell me something. I was curious why he'd turned out this way, and why was he here? " for what he did to you and your family?"as the last word came out of my mouth Mr. Todd shot his eyes over to me. I noted his weakness of family, but I couldn't use it against him, knowing it's also mine.

"He's a sick bastard." Mr. Todd said.

"You can't call every man you know a sick bastard, Mr. Todd." I replied.

"You can't stop me" he said.

"Why do you hate him?"

" he ruined my life. I had a family. A daughter, a wife, I had a home. That bloody judge took away everything." That's when it hit me. No. It couldn't be. Him? My eyes wide, my hands shaking, my knees hit the wooden floor boards beneath me. No, he's dead. What are you doing? This is Sweeney Todd.

"B-Benjamin?" I said softly. My face was pale as I looked into the once soft eyes of the demon before me. He only looked down. "You're alive?" Mr. Todd frowned. I hesitantly stood up and wrapped my arms around him. He's not a ghost, though he might look like one. "What happened?" I asked, but I wasn't going to let go of him.

"That bloody judge Turpin, sent me away for 15 years" he said. He hadn't shoved me to the ground or tried to kill me so I didn't release him. I was in much shock at this man.

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