The Chest

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The sunlight beamed into my room and streamed across my face as the sun began to rise. The door creaked open and Mrs. Lovett came in before closing the door softly behind her.

"Good morning Kate." She said as she walked over to the bed. She sat down on the bed and lightly brushed the hair out of my face. I felt calm and peaceful, no Davy, no Adolfo, no one trying to kill me, it was wonderful. "I have something fun for us today!" She said with a cheery voice.

"Don't you have to work today?" I asked.

"I can take a day off. The work will still be there tomorrow. Come along, get dressed and meet me in the shop." She said before the weight was lifted off the bed and her light footsteps made their way out of the room. The door creaked open and closed with a click.

I groaned, but got myself up and dressed and walked out of my room to see Toby talking to Mrs. Lovett who was busy making dough.

"Good morning Toby" I said as I walked past him to sit in one of the booths. Toby passed a look to Mrs. Lovett before silently excusing himself. No words, no questions. I watched as Toby left the shop, out to go anywhere his little heart pleased.

"We best be off Kate, I made an appointment." Mrs. Lovett said before grabbing our coats off of the coat rack and handing mine to me.

"An appointment? Where exactly are we going?" I asked. Where in the world would Mrs. Lovett be taking me, that she would have to make an appointment?

"It doesn't matter. Don't you trust me love?" I cautiously nodded my head. Should I trust her? Do I have any reason not to trust her? But on the other hand, do I have any reason I should trust her? What does Eleanore Lovett have against me? She could be trying to get rid of me. No, she's so kind, she couldn't just bring someone to their death.

We took a few steps outside and immediately felt the cool wind swirling my cheeks. Mrs. Lovett looks around for a moment, and so did I. Hundreds of men surrounded us. The dead men. All facing the shop with a mad expression painted on their face. Davy amongst them.

"Why are they all looking at us, and why are they all so upset?" I whispered to Mrs. Lovett.

"Who?" She whispered back. Could she not see the hundreds of men that surrounded us. Could she not see their angry faces. Could she not see the lost souls, the lost lives, the wandering eyes that had once been filled with joy and pride, that were now filled with rage as they stared through us. Their envious eyes, simply wanting nothing more than to be amongst the living again.

"No one." I was defeated. I was in my own world, seeing things that Mrs. Lovett could hardly imagine.

She grabbed my hand, trying to give me a sense of security. I simply felt the living try to drag me through the world of the living, while the dead tried to grasp on to us. We walked quickly, yet the men didn't seem to stay put. They became very close, I began to struggle to breathe, they all simply stared. There was nothing behind the orbs, no soul that had any mercy for the living. I began to tremble as stumbled over the cobble stone. Finally I just toppled over my own two feet. My breathing became heavy and staggered I felt as if the whole world had just fallen onto me.

They weren't there. Tears flooded my eyes and streamed out like rivers. They were gone. Disappeared from plain sight. My own eyes were deceiving me. They were no one.

"Kate, what are you doing?" She grabbed my hand and lifted me from the ground. She once again dragged me through the streets until we arrived at a dark, old building.

We walked in and I stuck myself to Mrs.Lovett. I didn't enjoy being around so many people. Were they real? The man at the front desk pointed us down a hall into a room with a plaque on the door. Mrs. Lovett snatched my attention away from the door and brought me into the room where a man sat. He had a piece of paper and a pen in his hand.

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