Nightmares and Dreams

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A/N- italics means in her dream. Sorry I changed the title of the book again.

T/W- blood, knives

"Go to bed Kate." Mrs. Lovett said softly before patting my shoulder. She had dealt with me enough. I passed a dark figure standing in the doorway on my way to my room, could've been a burglar, a murderer, or Lucifer himself, but I wouldn't have cared. I've seen too much to be phased by a dark figure in a doorway.

I changed into a ghostly white nightgown and drifted into a deep sleep.

I opened my eyes to the dark room I had fallen asleep in. Davy stood by my bed. I jumped slightly in surprise.

"Good evening darling." He said.

"Why are you here?" I asked. Maybe to take me to hell, wouldn't that be wonderful.

"We're going on a trip," he said.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see, but you have to trust me."

"Why should I ever trust you? You're evil. I trusted you over and over, but you didn't care. You-"

"Kate, please." He cut in "This is the last time I need you to trust me."  I looked into his eyes and all I could see was Davy. Adolfo wasn't there. The evil that had torn apart Davy's soul wasn't there.

"Alright" I took his outstretched hand and we walked out of my room.

We walked down the hall and there we saw Tobias standing in the doorway. Saying nothing, doing nothing. You could only see his chest slightly rising and falling and that was the only sign he was alive. He was staring into the dark. I looked into his faded ocean eyes. It was almost difficult to look at. He was just a figure in the doorway, staring, slightly breathing, hardly living.

I reached my arm out to touch his face and get his attention. As I stroked his cheek he turned his attention to me. He gave me a small, weak smile. It wasn't a very cheerful smile. His eyes spoke a million words and yet his mouth remained closed. Was he scared? What was he thinking about? Was he happy with the life I had brought him to? This was the child that I saved, that I had loved and cared for for all these years. But was that enough for him? I looked at him with a sad smile.

"He loved you." Davy said.

I lifted my fingers from his cheek. A dark presence filled the atmosphere. His eyes turned desperate and began to plead. The faded ocean eyes turned darker until they were completely black. The life in his eyes was being taken away and sucked out by a spirit. He was becoming nothing more than a body. A single tear of crimson blood fell from his dead eyes. Then his face froze, he was lifeless. I gulped as I watched in terror. His limp body fell to the ground. Blood gushed from his throat and his mouth. He was in pain.  My heart sunk in my chest.

I screamed "Davy! Do something!" My eyes flooded with tears, but when I reached for the boy I was pulled back. Something kept me from kneeling by his side as he lay there in pain. I couldn't embrace him, couldn't save him, couldn't even be by his side. I struggled against the restraint but it was pointless. No matter how hard I tried to be by him I couldn't.

"Toby!" I screamed. But all I could do was watch him slowly fall apart. Trying to grasp onto life. The scene was horrifying, but I could only stand and watch. After a moment I turned and hid my face in Davy's chest. I could no longer bear to see Toby like this. Tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Why did you kill the boy? I trusted you!" I yelled.

"I can't control what happens here." He responded. He felt no pity, no sympathy, no remorse for bringing me here.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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