Special Chapter: The Festival of New Year's Eve

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The snow fluttered down at Konoha bringing an unbearable chill in the valley. The Great Stone faces overlooked the valley as usual. If one looked closely they would be able to the seals that had been placed in order to make sure the snow didn't bother their mighty faces.

Naruto sat huddled up in his blankets not wanting to wake up. He hated the winter season. It meant that it was too cold to go outside and that he would be even hungrier than usual. He also had to save up his money wisely so that he could eat more and buy a handful of new socks.

It was perhaps the loneliest time of the year.

That was except for New Year's Eve.

On New Year's Eve the village would perform rituals with almost all the shinobi. Naruto barely saw Iruka sensei or any of the jonin. A grand festival was usually held on New Year's Eve and at midnight fireworks would light the skies over the Great Stone faces.

Not that Naruto would actually be able to go to the festival. Still, he enjoyed stealing some of the food, teasing the stall owners and pulling a good number of pranks. Afterwards he would go to the forest to lie back and watch the fireworks in peace.

One might think it would be lonesome. But since Naruto didn't know how most kids spent their New Year he accepted his fate as his normality.

Unwillingly he finally got out of bed and stretched. He looked over at his stash of cup ramens and was disappointed to find that there were none left.
Then he remembered something and made up his mind to go to Ichiraku. He pulled on some warm clothes and headed out.

As he walked through the streets he tried to enjoy himself my marvelling at the snow and staring at the forests in the distance. But no matter how hard he tried there was no way he could shut out the feeling that he was being watched by menacing eyes.

The New Year meant nothing special to Naruto.

Finally he made it to Ichiraku. He noticed a familiar figure as he entered. It was Sasuke.

Naruto was surprised for a moment. Naruto turned towards Sasuke and asked "Hey. What're you doing here?" After all, anyone who knows Sasuke would know he isn't a fan of ramen.

Sasuke looked back at him. "Oh...it's you" he said. His tone was strange, as if he was trying to sound disappointed but glad at the same time.

Then Teuchi, the ramen said "Welcome!" As he looked over from where he was boiling noodles he recognised Naruto. "Oh hey it's you! What do you want today kid?"

Naruto chuckled and from his pockets he took out an old coupon. It was due to expire next year and Naruto had cunningly saved it up till now. "I want something a bit more special today!"
"You got it!" said Teuchi. With that he got to work.

Naruto looked at Sasuke and asked him again "Why'd you come to Ichiraku. I thought you didn't like ramen."
"I don't hate ramen. I just prefer other things. I came here just for a change" he stated blandly.

Though that wasn't it.

In fact, the Uchiha had come because at the back of his mind he had wanted to see someone. His heart just could not help but remember that person's blonde hair, stunning blue eyes and cheery smile. No matter how hard he tried his brain just couldn't suppress those thoughts flowing into them.

Sasuke had not been able to see Naruto throughout winter. Most missions were cancelled and the days leading up to the New Year were usually peaceful anyway. Also Sasuke couldn't come up with a suitable reason to walk up to Naruto's door. Hence, he came to Ichiraku everyday to make it seem as though they had met by chance.

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