Chapter 21: Pure Ecstasy 💕

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The smell of boiled noodles and the sound of cutting filled the air as Naruto finally walked out of the bathroom. He had stayed there for a while contemplating on many things before finally dressing himself and grabbing both wet towels to dry them outside.

As he walked towards the balcony he briefly looked at the kitchen where Sasuke was working. It was a while before he reluctantly turned his head away. Having reached the balcony he spread out the towels to let them dry. Then, he realized he had nothing to do.

Sasuke was cracking some eggs when he saw Naruto standing at the entrance of his kitchen. "Can I help?" the blonde asked timidly, averting his eyes.

"Stir the noodles" Sasuke replied.

Slowly they began working together. They ignored the awkwardness and pretended as though nothing had happened between them. Sasuke began teaching Naruto on some basic ramen making procedures.

"Check the noodles to see if they're cooked" Sasuke instructed.
"Umm. How? Do I eat it?" Naruto asked sneakily.
"Yes, but only a pinch. Don't go eating it for real usuratonkachi" Sasuke said in a threatening tone.

"Teme" Naruto scoffed. But as he spun around to grab a dry cloth his head spun with dizziness.

The two boys were standing at two sides of an intersecting corner in the kitchen. So when Naruto stumbled Sasuke managed to catch him in his arms. He carefully wrapped his arm around the blonde and asked him in a soft voice "Are you okay?"

As Naruto's head settled, the feeling of being in Sasuke's embrace made his heart speed up. He tried to relax by taking a deep breath in.
That's when he noticed Sasuke's scent. It brought a strange thought to Naruto's mind. 'It smells like...roses...and...'

"Chocolate" Naruto suddenly said out loud.

"What?" Sasuke asked. "You smell like roses...and chocolate" Naruto said dreamily. Sasuke looked at him blankly and ended up chuckling. "Your chakra isn't stable. Go sit down for now" he said patting Naruto's back.

Sasuke let go of Naruto and went to check on the noddles. Meanwhile Naruto lifted himself up and sat on the kitchen counter (thought thankfully away from all the food). Sasuke was about to complain, but seeing the cheeky smile on his face he just couldn't.

As Sasuke cooked Naruto blabbered about a bunch of things (mostly ramen), asked Sasuke what he was doing and swiped the ingredients every now and then. In the end instead of help, Sasuke had an annoying little brat who was almost about to finish everything before dinner was even prepared.

Yet, he didn't feel annoyed. Even though he argued, scolded and elbowed Naruto, in his heart he was smiling. The feeling of companionship and seeing this little troublemaker goof around made his heart light. The intense hatred and the lurking desire for revenge were slowly fading.......

Finally, the ramen was ready. Naruto stared at it eagerly his eyes sparkling and his mouth drooling. He took a big sniff and hummed pleasantly. "Go sit down" Sasuke ordered as he brought out some bowls and two pairs of chopsticks.

Naruto scurried to the table and sat down, waiting impatiently. After a while Sasuke placed a steamy bowl of ramen in front of him. Naruto giggled excitedly and with a joyous "Itadakimasu!" he began his devouring of the ramen.

Sasuke also began eating. He watched as Naruto ate the ramen and widened his eyes in amazement. "Sasuke..." he whispered."Hm?" the Uchiha said eyeing him.

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