Chapter 11: Beautiful🧡

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I, the author of this fanfic would like to apologize for not bring able to update. I feel extremely guilty. I'll do it as soon as possible. Please understand my laziness. {Edit : That goes for future chapters as well}


Sasuke was calmly taking a shower, thinking about what he would make for dinner. Of course he had that idiot Naruto in his house. Sasuke sighed and clicked his tongue. 'What has he gotten himself into?' he thought. 'Does he always get beaten?' He thought about it for a moment. 'No wonder he ends up crying like that' he thought remembering when he had seen the blonde haired boy cry in his arms.

Sasuke frowned and closed his eyes. 'I didn't realize he suffered that much' he thought, as he was filled with a feeling that weighed down his very soul. It seemed to eat away at his chest and yet made him feel heavy.

Regret. That's what is was. 'I should've gotten their sooner. He wouldn't have gotten injured so badly'

Sasuke couldn't help it. The feeling of wanting to make sure Naruto was alright. When Naruto was hurt he had managed to make his sharingan reappear, which hadn't happened since...Itachi.....

Afterwards as Sasuke carried Naruto towards his house he had called to the boy desperately. He had felt overwhelmingly worried. And that was when he realized that he actually cared about Naruto. He had never seen someone suffer so much. Naruto looked so pained, as if he was dying.

Dying with anxiety from within and physical torture on the outside. Sasuke had never seen someone bear with such pain, and deep down he felt as though he should protect him and stay by his side, since he was also another person who was alone in this world.

'Why do I keep thinking about protecting him?' he thought. 'It's like I've become attached to him.' He sighed 'And it's feels as though there's nothing I can do about it.' Sasuke got out of the shower and grabbed a towel. He began drying his body and his hair. Just as he was doing so he heard a 'click' behind him.

'Is Naruto trying to get in? That usuratonkachi. He's probably hungry. But...why is he so slient?' Sasuke wondered. 'I can't imagine who would sneak up on me. There's no one else in the house besides Naruto.' Sasuke scoffed. 'That idiot would give himself away, despite the fact he's been trained as a ninja.' Sasuke wrapped the towel he had on his waist, then proceeded to open the door carefully.

The instant he opened the door Naruto jumped on him. Sasuke fell on the ground with Naruto on top. Hitting against the bathroom tiles hurt his butt pretty badly. "What are you doing Naruto?!" he said annoyed. He looked up at Naruto except there was something different about him.

Naruto's eyes were red and had vertical pupils. The lines on his face, which Sasuke had assumed as scars were now visible as whiskers. Sasuke could feel a strange and terrifying chakra coming from Naruto. "What...what's going on with you?" Sasuke asked.

Naruto purred. Yes. He purred just like a cat. He let out a small smile which revealed his fangs. Sasuke's eyes widened 'Did he bite me with those last time?'

Naurto's hand moved towards Sasuke's hair. He combed through the locks of raven hair then brought himself closer. Sasuke suddenly became aware of the fact that Naruto was shirtless while he was wearing nothing at all (except for the towel he had wrapped on his waist but that could hardly count as proper clothing). Naruto purred again and lifted Sasuke's face with his hand. He leaned in closer towards Sasuke. He was so close that their faces were only centimetres apart.

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