Chapter 28: Take My Hand

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The boat moved silently along the water. The thick mist enveloped them as they passed through. There was no sound except of the water as the rower paddled.

Sitting on the boat were Tazuna, Kakashi and his team. All of their minds were occupied with thoughts. They were silent as they passed by the half-built bridge.

Earlier, Kakashi had asked Tazuna to tell him exactly who was after him and why. If not then he would have to end the mission.

With fear and disgust in his voice Tazuna explained his situation.

The man who sought his life was Gatō. He was a short stout man who cast a long shadow. Well known as the famous business leader of 'Gatō Transport' the man worked in the black market. With the help of rouge ninjas and gangs he transported and sold drugs.

An island nation like the Land of Waves was the perfect place for Gatō to dock his ships. The people there were suffering in poverty. So Gatō used his vast wealth to take over the island.

But the bridge, which would connect them to the mainland was something Gatō feared. He wanted to insure his business. Thus, he had hired assassins to kill Tazuna.

"If you end the mission when you drop me ashore, there will be no bridge. They'll assassinate me before I reach home" Tazuna had said.

After some consideration (and listening to Tazuna talk about his 'kawaii' grandson who was sure to cry if his grandpa was killed) Kakashi and the genin decided that they were to go with him to his home.

The boat glided into a tunnel. It was lit by a line of dim orange lights. They passed through it and at last set their eyes on The Land of Waves.

The mist no longer covered the area. Bright sunlight shone upon the beautiful water. The trees were lush green and the sky was about as ridiculously blue as Naruto's eyes (at least that was what Sasuke was thinking).

The boat reached the pier. The rower bid Tazuna to stay safe before leaving.

"Ok" Tazuna turned to the shinobi. "Take me to my home. And I mean get me there in one piece" he said.

"Right" said Kakashi. 'The next shinobi they send won't be chunin. They'll be jonin. Probably an elite with deadly skills' the jonin thought while sighing.

The group began walking away from the pier. They followed Tazuna through a large path with trees on both sides. All of them tense and wary.

Naruto scanned the area, frowning his eyebrows and staring with an intense look.

All of a sudden he shot a kunai at the nearby bushes.

The others stopped.

From the bushes, a frightened white rabbit scampered out looking terrified.

"Naruto! Look what you did. You might've killed the poor thing" said Sakura.

"Oh! No no I'm so sorry!" said Naruto. He then went over and hugged the bunny apologising to it over and over.

"All of this fuss over a rabbit?" Tazuna scoffed.

Kakashi stared at the rabbit. 'That's a snow rabbit. But the colour...' he thought. 'They only have white fur in the winter. When the days are short and there's less sunlight. This rabbit was raised indoors, away from sunlight...which could only be for one purpose...'

He quickly turned around. 'So they're already here'

Form the cover of the trees behind, the assassin watched them carefully. 'The jonin has already guessed it. He knows I'm here' he thought. 'Well then...'

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