(EDITED) Chapter 6:

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As Naruto exited the academy building he spotted Sakura in the distance and called out to her. "Hey Sakura! Wait up!" he said, running towards her.
"Can I have lunch with you?" he asked in his nice voice. "No" Sakura snapped back. "Why not?" the blonde asked. "Are you already going with someone? I could-"

"Go away Naruto, you're annoying me. Besides I'm looking for Sasuke" she said.

Naruto fell behind as Sakura left him. His eyes flashed with anger 'It's always Sasuke..'

He turned away and walked into a quieter street. 'If I could find that teme'

His eyes then caught sight of spiked black hair and a dark blue shirt. He carefully peered upwards. 'Aha!'

He crept up with a cheeky smirk on his face.


Sasuke was calmly sitting and watching the birds chirp as he sipped his tea. He sat by the window taking his time to relax, completely unaware of what was going to happen.

Ino, Shikamaru and Choji were on another building, observing as Naruto slowly made his way towards the window where Sasuke sat. He carefully advanced making sure not to fall and quickly jumped in closing the window. "What's he doing going up against Sasuke?" Shikamaru said. "Ya does he wanna end up dead?" Choji agreed.

Inside Naruto summoned several clones. "Boushin no justu!". Sasuke was caught by surprise "Whaa..!". Sasuke tried to fight but there were too many of the clones. "Damn you!" he shouted and managed to knee one the clones in between the legs.

"Ouch!" Naruto screamed and the clone promptly disappeared.

Four Narutos including the original pinned down Sasuke and were finally sucessful in tying him up.

"What are you doing ?!" Sasuke said.

"You know I should probably gag you" Naruto said. "What....what are you planning to do?" Sasuke started saying. Naruto brought out tape from his pocket and taped Sasuke's mouth firmly.

"Hmmph" Sasuke struggled.

Naruto looked at him smugly. He clasped his hands into a hand sign. "Transform!" Naruto transformed himself to look like Sasuke. Then he opened the window and jumped out.

Excitedly he climbed out the window. "Time to find Sakura..."
He closed the window behind him with one last smug look.


For what seemed like a good several minutes, Sasuke struggled through the ropes that bound him. His mind was seething with thoughts.
'That idiot Naruto. What is he planning to do?'

He finally mangaed to grab a small blade he kept underneath his shit and quickly worked on freeing himself.

'He transformed into me. I can't let him run loose, he's bound to o something stupid'

After several painful minutes he finally mangaed to cut through the ropes. He rubbed his wrists 'That usuratonkachi. I'll get him"

He opened the window and jumped out.


Naruto nervously walked up to Sakura. He tried to imitate Sasuke's arrogant face and walk while trying to hide his excitement.

Sakura saw him approaching from where she sat and looked at him expectandly. 'Sasuke...' she smiled shyly.

"Sakura" said 'Sasuke' sitting next to her. She was pleased to see her reaction but then remembered who she was looking at. 'Why doesn't she like me anyways?' Naruto wondered.

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