Chapter 7: Teachers

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A/N: Hey guys I thought I could relax and take a break for a while and decided to do a Kakairu chapter. Just something fresh. Don't worry we'll be back to Sasunaru/Narusasu soon! {I've tagged Kakairu in this story}


Iruka leaned on his desk and flipped through the attendance file. He was anxious and worried. Several thoughts were running through his mind.

'I heard not a single genin has been able to pass Kakashi's test' one shinobi had said.

'They've all been sent back to the academy' another added.

Iruka was worried about Naruto. The boy had managed to pass the genin exams but if the rumors about Kakashi's test method were true....

Kakashi and Iruka saw each other once now and then. They weren't the best of friends but they had a sense of respect for each other. Iruka saw him now more often than before since Kakashi had gone on less ANBU missions.

Iruka sighed' I'll talk to him myself when I see him later. I need to tell him that..'

His thoughts were cut short as he heard a voice behind him. "Hey sorry to bother you"

Startled Iruka turned around to see Kakashi, book in hand, calmly leaning against the wall. "'s you" Iruka stammered. "Sorry if I scared you Iruka-sensei" Kakashi said.
"No it's okay I should've noticed you" Iruka said. "So what is that you need?"

"Actually I'm here for the files related to the new genin squad that I'm in charge of" he replied. "I know I should've collected them yesterday when the hokage assigned us to the teams but...ugh...".

"It's okay." Iruka said. He turned around and grabbed the topmost file, the passed it to Kakashi. "Kakashi. About the genin..."

Kakashi looked at him "Hm?". 

"Well...just don't be too hard on them. Especially Naruto I'm worried-" Iruka started saying.

"Iruka" Kakashi interrupted. "It's the first time I'll be taking on genin who have been instructed by you. I believe that they are capable of being excellent shinobi. I'll be honest, I wont go easy on them but I know that they can do it. I know that you've passed down the will of fire to them. I have faith in them....because I have faith in you" he smiled as he smooth talked.

"Yes. Thank you. It's just, as a teacher I wish I could keep looking after them" Iruka said.
"Naturally as a teacher" Kakashi said. Iruka smiled 'He's really kind I'm sure I can trust him'

"By the way I heard about yesterday's incident, with you and Naruto." Kakashi said.

"O yes..everything turned out ok" Iruka said. "All thanks to Naruto actually" Iruka smiled. "Really?" Kakashi asked curiously.

"Yes he was able to do the shadow clone jutsu and he made so many shadow clones. They were about chunin level. It's impressive how hard he worked to change himself overnight. He just never gives up no matter what happens to him" said Iruka.

"Guess he's a lot like you. Really optimistic and hardworking" Kakashi said smiling.

Iruka blushed "Oh well thank you". They both then smiled, enjoying each others company.

"Don't worry Iruka. I'll make sure that they understand what it means to be shinobi and I'll ensure their futures. And besides too much worrying is bad for you. Try and relax" Kakashi said. He took his hand to Iruka's face and said "You have dark circles under your eyes. Do try and get some sleep ok."

"I appreciate your concern. Thanks" Iruka smiled. 'God he's beautiful' Kakashi thought all of a sudden. He then took Iruka's hand and intertwined his fingers. He stroked Iruka's cheek and traced the scar he had with his thumb. By now Iruka's face was a light shade of red. Kakshi saw this and it excited him for some reason.

"How'd you get this scar?" Kakashi asked.

"Well, apparently I had an accident when I was just 3 years old. I don't know much of the details." Iruka stammered a reply.

"Well you still manage to look beautiful" Kakashi accidentally whispered out loud. Iruka blushed but then said "I think so too, in your case I mean!" he stammered and smiled awkwardly. Kakashi raised his eyebrow and he chuckled. He leaned forward, in front of Iruka's face, his eyes full of warmth and kindness. "You're too kind Iruka" he said his hand stroking Iruka's cheek. He then lovingly rubbed his nose on Iruka's neck. Iruka flinched and giggled "Kakashi.."

Their hands were intertwined and both were grasping each others hand. Kakashi couldn't hold back and seeing Iruka blush and smile made him want more.

"You're adorable" Kakashi said all of a sudden.

Iruka blinked a couple of times "Huh?". His heart skipped a beat and as he looked at Kakashi. The he blushed a deep shade of red. Kakashi chuckled and leaned in closer towards his face. He slowly took of his mask. Iruka's eyes widened 'He's so....handsome and...beautiful!'  Then Kakashi leaned in closer. By now Iruka's heartbeat was increasing fast.

They stared at each other looking deep into each others eyes. Kakashi leaned forward unable to hold back. Iruka closed his eyes but then realized Kakashi was hesitating. He looked at Kakashi who had a guilty look on his face 'I shouldn't be doing this....I..can't' he thought.

He straightened himself up but he took Iruka's hand and he placed a soft kiss on the top of his hand. He covered his face with his mask. "I'll get going now. The genin will be waiting" Kakashi said. Then with a 'poof' he was gone.

Iruka stood there for a while his heartbeat racing. 'What..what was that?' He shook his head but Kakashi's face was still lingering in his mind and it made him smile. It made him feel all warmed up inside and he felt really happy for some reason. 'I would like it if we could see each other again' he thought.

Meanwhile Kakashi was walking through the market. 'God I don't know what got over me all of sudden' he thought. 'It was the first time that we were alone together.' He could still remember kissing Iruka's hand and the way his cheeks had turned red. It made Kakashi chuckle 'He's really cute for some reason. I don't know why I didn't kiss him. For that matter I should've..'

The thoughts running through Kakashi's head made him blush under his mask. 'I feel like he could make me do all sorts of things.' He smiled as he looked up at the sky and kept thinking over and over about Iruka.

'Have I fallen in love, again?' he thought. The thought made his heart heavy. 'I've already lost once. Fate never gives me any luck. I know I'll be hated. I don't stand a chance. I never did. I fell in love with him back then and it didn't work out so well. I can't..not again' he thought his heart full of anxiety.


Hey guys! I just wanted to write this. What d'you think? Any guesses on who this 'him' person might be? I need some comments folks come on!! I'll be back real soon with Naruto x Sasuke. I'll update quick if I get votes and comments!!!! 🤍🖤💙

Stay safe and wash your hands! My love to everyone in the world! 💟

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