Special Chapter: Happy New Year!

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Out of nowhere Sasuke grabbed Naruto's waist and pulled him forwards. Naruto heart shot right out of his ribcage and did a couple of jumps while his cheeks turned red. His back tensed and he felt Sasuke clasping their hands even tighter.

Then they kept on dancing. They danced together their bodies in perfect sync, and their hearts fluttering at the sight of the other. Under the stars they glided together, hand in hand as the music drove them on.

A cool wind swept past them they both smiled. They smiled at each other as their hearts became one......

Finally the music ended. They both felt as though their dance seemed to have lasted for an entire eternity, capturing every precious memory of the stars. Sasuke's mind was so fuzzy he didn't even know which way was up. Naruto was slightly disappointed when Sasuke let go. He stared blankly saying "That was...nice" but what he thought was 'That was...romantic'

Sasuke gulped. 'What happened to me?' he thought. He hurriedly checked his watch. "It's almost midnight. The fireworks will start soon" he said.
Naruto looked up and around . "It's not dark enough here" he said. "Wait, I know the perfect place!". He beckoned Sasuke and together they headed towards the forest.

They arrived at a clearing in the forest, only a few meters away from the Great Stone Faces. "Well this should be good" Naruto said. He took off his scarf, folded it and spread it on the floor. He sat and gestured Sasuke to do the same. Sasuke checked the time; 23:50.

As they waited Naruto smiled and said "Hey Sasuke. Thanks for taking me to the festival. I really enjoyed it!"
"Mmm" was all Sasuke murmured. But that was due to the fact that he probably wouldn't say anything good if he opened his mouth.

"It must be nice going every year" said Naruto.
"Going alone is boring" Sasuke said without thinking.
"Hmm...you're right. So, you enjoyed going to the festival with me huh?" he teased.
Sasuke scoffed. "No way, dobe"
"Heh heh, teme" Naruto chuckled punching him on the arm.

Sasuke looked at him menacingly but his expression changed in an instant.

He saw Naruto with happiness in his eyes, a healthy pink tinge across his face and when he smiled...Sasuke remembered afterwards thinking that perhaps not even the fireworks could compare to the bright smile that the boy wore on his face. It pieced his soul and made his heart skyrocket.

"Hey Sasuke. Can we celebrate every New Year together like this?" Naruto asked.
"Yes" Sasuke replied instantly. It was hard to say no to that cute, adorable face."We'll go every year...and perhaps to the other festivals throughout the year as well"

Naruto's eye widened and he felt as though the sun had finally risen on the dark horizon of his soul. His heart felt so much lighter all of a sudden. Before he knew it tears had stated rolling down his cheeks.

Sasuke stared in shock. "N-Naruto?"

The blonde sniffled  "I'm sorry...it's just...I...I've never felt this happy before. It's like...I'm in a dream. And ...I don't want it to end!" he cried out.

Sasuke stared at the boy and his heart broke. This boy had finally understood what true happiness meant.

Gentle arms wrapped around Naruto into a warm embrace. Naruto rested his head on Sasuke's chest. Tears still spiling from his eyes he whispered with a trembling voice "Sasuke..."
"Yeah what is it?" the Uchiha asked softly.

"Can you...stay with me? ...Until I become the Hokage?" Naruto said.

Sasuke stroked Naruto's hair and pulled away from him. He lifted his chin and brought himself face to face with him. "I'll stand by your side even after you become the Hokage, Naruto. I promise" he said.

Naruto sobbed and said "You know, I always knew you and I were alike. I just couldn't build up the courage to talk to you. When I did, you said I'd never become the Hokage. You said you hated me. That's not true is it?!"

Sasuke felt a thorn piercing his heart. He looked at Naruto and finally realised something. The thrilling feeling of joy, the unexplainable nervousness, the overwhelming desire to care for him ,protect him and the insane bursts of lust; this boy made him feel all of that with just a smile of his.

"Naruto" Sasuke said softly.

"I love you"

Sasuke moved forward and gently kissed Naruto's lips. It was a thrilling, fleeting and mind-blowing moment. The kiss was like a dragonfly dipping its tail in the water; seeming superficial yet also deep. Naruto felt as though the weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulders. His heart hammered against his chest and his head was all fuzzy. Sasuke's lips were warm and gentle. They kissed him ever so delicately as if he was a small butterfly. With one final push he skirted his tongue over Naruto's lips and pulled back.

Sasuke stroked Naruto's hair and chuckled. The boy had a blank and astonished look on his face and he blinked in confusion.

Then from afar a loud gong sounded signalling the countdown. At Konoha the countdown always started at 7. Sasuke turned his head towards the sky.


Naruto looked at Sasuke his heartbeat still wild as ever. Those sweet words and that gentle kiss...no one had ever shown him so much love.


It was the first time he felt wanted and accepted. He felt so much towards this person who brought happiness into his life.


This person who cared for him and loved him. The only person who told him that they would stand with him and he would become the Hokage. Perhaps without realising...


"Hmm?" Sasuke looked towards him.


"I...I think..."


"I love you too" said Naruto, Then, his shyness disappeared , he pulled Sasuke's head closer and he kissed him.


Fireworks lit the skies signalling The New Year. Sparks of red and gold flashed in the air above them yet, they were incomparable to the fireworks that burst inside both Naruto and Sasuke.

Sasuke wrapped his arms around Naruto and pulled him closer. He kissed him deeply as though there was no tomorrow, his flames of passion engulfing his heart.

Naruto put his hand in Sasuke's hair and felt a thrilling emotion overtake his soul. He felt as though there was nothing in the world that he couldn't face. With Sasuke by his side there was nothing to fear. Naruto felt like he had just received the best gift for New Year's.

They finally split. Naruto smiled, blushing a deep shade of red. Sasuke smirked "Happy New Year, dobe"
"Happy New Year" said Naruto and giggled uncontrollably. He rested his head on Sasuke's shoulder who wrapped an arm around him.

Together they watched the brilliant fireworks, their hearts lit by the sweet and loving words they spoke to each other. A New Year, that was perhaps worth remembering  for a lifetime.


A/N: Happy New Year!

I wish all of you good health, prosperity and happiness. Thank you for reading my story and voting on it. Stay safe and hope that we'll continue on this journey throughout the story.

Edit : Just saying. These chapters are not related to the main story line.

I know I said I'd be typing a special 'chapter'. But I wrote so much I had to split it in two 😅. Now if you'll excuse me, my mum is getting restless about how much time I spent on a screen. I apologise if there are mistakes and I'll edit more later.

Love y'all and stay safe. 🧡💙

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