Chapter 17

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Enjoy this.



Julia's POV

I turn over to face the sleeping Mitch. We've been sleeping together for awhile now (not THAT sleeping together, you nasties..). I lightly move some of his hair out of his face, carefully looking at his facial features in the moonlight (so majestic).

How can someone so handsome be in love with me? (Julia u is pretty. shaddap) Mitch is the best thing to ever happen to me, I don't want to lose him. And with that battle coming up, i don't know if he'll survive, i don't know if we'll all make it.

I turn the other way so I face the door and close my eyes. I feel Mitchv snake his arms around my waist and pull me close. And just as I'm about to fall asleep, someone quickly knocks on the door. I groan and get out from under the covers and out of his grasp to answer the door.

"What?" I say in an angry tone because of how tired I am. A look of confusion is on my face as I see Seto outside of my door. It was so late in the night that it was still dark out.

"They're here." Seto says his voice full of fear.

"Who?" i ask still confused.

"The army."


"Jeremy, you and your soldiers take the people to the Immortal kingdom. They've known about this for awhile, they will gladly guard all the people. I will take my team and a few of your best soldiers to fend off the army. We all may not make it, but make sure all the citizens get evacuated. I don't want any casualties from them, please do as told." I say to Jeremy as we walk down the armory hall.

"But Julia, if you are to die in this fight, then who will rule over these people?!" He asks.

"The rulers of the immortal kingdom will then. If not then you will be the one to choose. I have faith that you will choose a good person to watch over the kingdom. I have to go finish suiting up for battle now, good luck Jeremy." I say to him before speeding up and walking away.

I jog over to the private armory where the group of people I would be fighting with remain. They were deciding on a weapon to use, our private armory had special types of weapons. From Elven to Dark, we had almost every type of weapon known and unknown.

A few had chosen their weapon already, Bodil had an Elven blade that was enfused with explosive magic. Seto said he was going to use spells to fight, but Brice made him get at least one weapon so defend himself with incase of anything, so he chose an Elven blade and he infused it with some of his own magic.

Jerome had found an axe with a Dark blade that had been infused with some type of water magic I assume. It's details were a crystal-ish blue, so that's what i thought.

I looked around the armory for some knives, I had recently gotten used to fighting dual handed with knives so it should be easy to fight with them. We had a small selection of knives to choose from, well I wouldn't necessarily call them knives, they were more like daggers.

I finally found the corner area where we had all the daggers, there were two that were specially forged for me for a special purpose (which you will know about in a little bit). Next to them was a small necklace with black and white angel wings on them, I grabbed it and put it on. I carefully grabbed the daggers, they were forged in the Elven kingdom and infused with a magic that is rare to find nowadays. The users of the magic are said to have gone extinct, so basically these are like the best daggers in the universe.

"Julia we have to go, they're breaking through the defences. We've recieveed word from the Elves that they may come but there's a big chance they won't, so their messengers are fighting for us right now. C'mon!" Eyes says motioning for me to hurry up. I quickly grab a bow that was next to the door and a sheath of arrows, then run after Eyes.

I could hear sounds coming from the outside, mostly fire and screams. Sometimes I would hear a crash or buildings breaking which would cause me to run even faster. I find an opening in the wall where everyone must be going out from, something had shot into the side of the castle and opened it up. I leave through the hole and look at the battle infront of me.

"Julia watch out!" Someone shouts as something tries to hit me but I unsheath my daggers fast enough to hold my attacker up and off of me. I kick my attacker on the chest causing him to fall on the ground to whch i can then stab him in the chest. i stab him in the chest and to my surprise the body broke in to dust, how is that possible?

"Julia we need some help at the village! There's still a lot of civilians left!" Adrianna screams. I sprint over to her just before someone can hit her with their sword. I stab the person in the back and they fall on to the ground and turn in to dust.

"What are those guys?!" I ask as more come. I dodge, kick, and stab. We manage to take all of them down and eget some more civilians out, but most had been either killed or burnt. They must've started a fire before we could get to everyone.

"I dont know! Lets call them "The Dust" cause they turn into that when we kill 'em!" Eyes shouts as she kills another.

"Watch out!" Athena screams as a ball of fire is hurdled toward us. We all jump and dive away from the fireball's path, it just barely hitting us.


(Don't worry there's more)

I lift my head up and try to get up but fail due to a burning sensation in my lower leg.

"Agh!" I groan in pain as I fall to the ground.

"Julia! What happened?! Are you okay?" Athena questions as she freaks out over my burnt leg. I shake my head as no and turn over to my side so I can face her. "I'll bring you to Seto, he should be able to heal you, I'll help you walk."

Athena lifts me, I look back at the giant fire ball and I couldn't see the others that were next to us, hopefully they are okay. She helps me walk as we search for Seto, things were being flung over the wall and arrows were being shot, hopefully we could win this fight.

"What happened to Julia?" A voice asks from behind us. We turn and see Bodil standing behind us, his eyes full of worry.

"Explosion, Julia's leg got burnt. We need to find Seto, have you seen him?" Athena asks.

"Yeah, I can carry her to him, can you cover me?" He asks as he picks me up bridal style (whatever.).

She nods and he begins to sprint to wherever Seto was. As we ran to him several Dust tried to attack us but failed as Athena hit them away.


Seto came into sight, he was supporting some of the soldiers as they hit more away.

"SETO!" Bodil shouts as we near him. He hits another Dust and then runs over to us.

"What happened?" He asks looking at my leg, I wince as he gently touches it.

"I got burnt by a fire ball, can you heal it?" I ask.

"Of course I can, it's gonna take a couple minutes, so we need somewhere to hide for a little while so I can heal it. Follow me." He says then runs over to a little opening in the trees. He makes sure nobody is around then uses magic to grow the vines and cover us.

He says some words in a language I cannot understand but then a purple aura emits from his hands, he then hovers his hands over the burn healing it.


Yas! I wrote something! YESSS!

Hope you guys liked this chapter! The book is ending soon though :(
(Dunz worry there's a sequel :3)

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