Chapter 4

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Bodil's POV

3 Years Later

I was with Julia and Seto sitting on the big boulder next to the river. She was about to tell us something, and Mitch told me he wanted to ask her out so I brought him here. He was hiding behind the tree behind us.

"Okay guys I have to tell you something super secret and you can't tell anyone no matter what. Promise?" She says her tone serious. "We promise! Now tell us!" Seto shouts. "Okay my father told me that....h-he and his s-soldiers were the ones w-who attacked t-the g-guys village...and he killed Mitch's mother..." Julia stutters on the verge of crying. "Julia, it's okay, we won't tell" I say pulling her in to a group hug with Seto.

Suddenly we hear someone running through the forest, on no. Mitch! He probably heard what happened! "T-Thanks guys..." She trails off letting go of the hug. I hope Mitch's okay...

Mitch's POV

"Okay my father told me that....h-he and his s-soldiers were the one w-who attacked t-the g-guys village...and he killed Mitch's mother..." Julia stutters she looks like she was about to cry. I feel the tears threatening to come out.

They spill and fall on to my cheeks. I run from there to the castle. The king was going to pay for what he did.

As I reach the castle I see Jerome, Ty, and Brice. They can't see me like this! I wipe my tears and splash some water on my face from nearby. "Hey guys!" I say walking up to them as they turn the corner. "Hey Mitch" Ty says smiling. "What's up?" Brice asks. "Nothing, just doing some stuff" I say trying to walk off. "You sure? I can tell when you're lying biggums." Jerome says staring at me. It's true, but he can't know what I'm doing. "I'm sureeeee see you later doods" I say walking off in the direction of the throne room.

I enter the castle greeting the guards as I do. I was pretty known around the castle, I was the only one matched to Julia in melee combat. I could beat her pretty well in a bow fight.

I continue walking to the throne room when I come to the door. I take a deep breath in and storm in. "Hello Mitch, how are you?" The king asks. "How could you kill my mother!?" I yell speed walking up to him. "How did y-did Julia tell you this!?" The king asks standing up. "No, I overheard. How could you kill my fucking mother?!" I shout slapping him. "How dare you slap the king?!" He shouts getting angry. "I don't give a shit" I say rolling my eyes. "I would hang you, but you shall be whipped! GUARDS!" He shouts to the guards.

My eyes go wide. What have I done. I was going to be whipped, Julia will be so mad at me. The guards drag me to the courtyard in front of everyone. "He hasn't whipped somebody in 19 years, he whipped somebody for trying to kill the princess 1 month after she was born." One of the guards whispers in my ear as the chain me to something (if you watched Catching Fire then you should know what this looks like). A guard rips my shirt off and exposes me to the cold. A few girls gasp at my abs (I just had to okay..). I hear footsteps and a whip being tested on the ground.

Seconds later I feel a pain in my back. I don't scream, that shows signs of weakness. I feel a few more whips in my back when I hear fast footsteps. "MITCH!" I hear Julia shout and more footsteps. Then I hear another whipping sound but nothing to my back. I turn my head slightly to see Julia with the whip around her arm. "Julia move." The king says sternly. "No." She says holding her ground. "You will move. That's an order!" The king says raising his voice. "I won't because I love him!" I hear her shout. The crowd gasps. My eyes widen.

She loves me? I thought she would reject me when I was going to ask her out earlier. "Fine, everyone leave the courtyard!" The king grumbles. There are people leaving and Julia rushes to my side. "Mitch are you okay?" She says getting my wrists out of the chains. "Y-Yeah..." I say as I begin seeing spots. "Guys! He's loosing a lot of blood!!" I hear Seto shout as everything goes black.

Julia's POV

We just chat about other random stuff when Jerome runs up to us. "Hey Jerome" Bodil says. "Guys, Mitch's about to get whipped. You better hurry" Jerome says concern in his eyes. My eyes go wide and I boost off the rock to the courtyard. My father hasn't whipped anyone since I was born!

I feel the adrenaline kick in and I jump up on to a tree and begin my little parkour bit. We soon see the courtyard in the distance and Mitch with about 10 lashes in his back. I jump off the tree and land on my feet. "MITCH!" I shout pushing through the crowd. I run up to him just as another whip is going, it goes around my arm. I wince in pain. I make sure I'm standing right in front of Mitch protecting him. "Julia move." My father says sternly. "No." I say holding my ground. "You will move. That's an order!" He says raising his voice. "I won't because I love him!" I shout causing the crowd to gasp. Had I really sais that out loud?

"Fine, everyone leave the courtyard!" He grumbles. The whip comes off my arm and people leave. I rush over to him. "Mitch are you okay?" I say getting his wrists out of the chains. "Y-Yeah..." He trails off his body going weak. "Guys! he's losing a lot of blood!" Seto shout as Mitch faints. "Julia. A word?!" My father shouts from the other side of the courtyard. "Guys, I'll be back soon, where are you taking him?" I ask quickly. "My house" Seto says. I nod and run over to my father.

"I respect your bravery, but he deserved what he got." My father says as we walk around a bit. "What do you mean?" I ask. "He slapped me, and swore in my presence." He explains. I understand that you can't swear in his presence unless he swears. He only swears when he and his friends are hanging out, but why would Mitch slap him? "Why did her slap you?" I ask curiously. "For killing his mother.." He trails off. "I didn't tell him!" "I know you didn't, he told me. But I can't have you love someone that is not a good influence." My heart shatters. "I should kill him for slapping me but I wont. Julia as a punishment you two can no longer talk to each other." He says. "Wh-what! But he's my friend!" I say. "End of discussion! You can't talk to him anymore. Your punishment will start once he's up and able to walk without any assistance. I forbid you from talking to him ever again after that." He says. "Yes father.." I say. He lets me go and I run over to Seto's house. I can't believe I can't talk to my love once he's well.

Once I reach Seto's house before I have the chance to knock the door opens. I see Seto's little sister and she directs ne to where the others are. I thank her and rush over to them. "Hey Julia." Brice says looking up. "Hey guys.." I say looking down. "Something wrong?" Bodil asks walking over to me. Bodil was one of my best friends that I've known since I've been little. "M-My f-father said I-I c-cant ta-lk to M-Mitch o-once he's be-tter..." I say feeling tears rushing down my cheeks. "Oh Jules...." Bodil says using my old nickname as he pulls me in to a hug.

 "Guys, he's awake" Seto says looking up from Mitch. I peek my head out of Bodil's shoulder and see that Mitch's eyes are wide at me. "Y-You can't talk to me when I'm healed?" He says a stray tear falling. I nod slowly. "Oh." He says looking down.

Everything's ruined.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed that chapter! Lot's of dialogue and stoof. Basically, King James I decided is UberHaxorNova. His friends are the one and only Creatures! Yeah, they're not going to be in this story for a period of time, maybe to talk to them but that's all. I'm probably going to add in a ship like Immortalfox and their kid but that's like a few chapter from now xD. I will see you sorcerers later, gooooodbye!

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